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AdamNaj / Receive-Zip.ps1
Created September 15, 2015 20:12
Upload and Unzip dialog
# replace "target folder" with the path in the media library you want to put your files in.
Receive-File -ParentItem (gi "master:\media library\target folder") -AdvancedDialog
AdamNaj / Get-SitecoreLogTail.ps1
Created September 4, 2015 18:55
Get last 10 lines of the latest sitecore blog.
Get-ChildItem "$($SitecoreLogFolder)\log*.*" | Sort-Object -Descending LastWriteTime | Select-Object -First 1 | Get-Content -Tail 10
Import-Module -Name SPE
function Retrieve-SitecorePackage($session, $instance, $PackageName, $Destination){
Invoke-WebRequest "$instance/-/script/file/package/?path=$PackageName&user=$($session.Username)&password=$($session.Password)" -OutFile $Destination -WebSession $webSession
$instance = "http://sitecore8"
$session = New-ScriptSession -Username admin -Password b -ConnectionUri $instance
$packageName = ""
AdamNaj / Retrieve-SitecorePackage (failed).ps1
Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
File Download attempt
# unfortunately does not work, because - #1 - does not really retrieve the file, #2 has problems with logging out
Import-Module -Name SPE
function Retrieve-SitecorePackage($session, $instance, $PackageName, $Destination){
$loginUri = "$instance/sitecore/login"
$login = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $loginUri -SessionVariable webSession
$form = $login.Forms[0]
$form.Fields["__EVENTTARGET"] = ""
$form.Fields["UserName"] = $session.Username
AdamNaj / LiveProgressTest.ps1
Created August 3, 2015 11:38
Live Update test
gci master:\ -rec
$colors = "Cyan", "Gray","Green","Magenta","Red","White","Yellow"
foreach($i in 1..20){
foreach($j in 1..20){
Write-Host ("{0:D3} " -f ($i*20+$j)) -ForegroundColor "$($colors[(Get-Random -Maximum $colors.Length)])" -no
Write-Progress -Activity "Line $i, column $j" -PercentComplete (($i*20+$j)/4.2)
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 10
AdamNaj / RichReport.ps1
Created July 27, 2015 09:12
Rich Reports
#Show-ListView - with rich renderers
Import-Function Render-ReportField
$script = Get-Item "master:\system\Modules\PowerShell\Script Library\Authorable Reports\Functions\Show-SearchResultDetails"
Get-ChildItem master:\ | Show-ListView -Property `
ProviderPath, @{Label="Display Name"; Expression={ $_.DisplayName }},
HasChildren, TemplateName,
@{Label="Random Percent Test"; Expression={ Render-PercentValue (Get-Random -minimum 1 -maximum 100) }},
@{Label="Thumbnail"; Expression={ Render-ItemField $_ __thumbnail }},
@{Label="Index Fields"; Expression={ Render-ScriptInvoker $script @{index=$index; itemId="$($_.Uri)"} "Show Index Fields" } }
AdamNaj / SpeRenderPercentageExample.ps1
Created July 25, 2015 13:24
Render Percentages report example
Import-Function Render-ReportField
1..100 | Show-ListView -Property @{Name="Value"; Expression={$_}}, @{Name="Percentage"; Expression={ Render-PercentValue $_}} `
-Title "percentages demo." `
-PageSize 200
AdamNaj / RV-Item-WithNoItemDefined.ps1
Created July 8, 2015 11:52
Read-Variable with no item pre-defined
Read-Variable -Parameters `
@{ Name = "item"; Title="Start Item"; Root="/sitecore/content/"; Editor="item"},
@{ Name = "items"; Title="Bunch of Templates";
Source="DataSource=/sitecore/templates&DatabaseName=master&IncludeTemplatesForDisplay=Node,Folder,Template,Template Folder&IncludeTemplatesForSelection=Template";
@{ Name = "items2"; Title="Bunch of Templates";
Source="DataSource=/sitecore/templates&DatabaseName=master&IncludeTemplatesForDisplay=Node,Folder,Template,Template Folder&IncludeTemplatesForSelection=Template";
editor="multilist"; Height="230px"},
@{ Name = "items3"; Title="Pick One Template";
Source="DataSource=/sitecore/templates&DatabaseName=master&IncludeTemplatesForDisplay=Node,Folder,Template,Template Folder&IncludeTemplatesForSelection=Template";
AdamNaj / Find-CmdletsWithLanguageParem.ps1
Created June 15, 2015 09:40
Find SPE cmdletsthat have Language Parameter
Get-Command -CommandType Cmdlet | ? { $_.DLL -match "Cognifide"} | ? { $_.Parameters.ContainsKey("Language")} | sort Name
AdamNaj / ExportAccountsInAPackage.ps1
Created May 25, 2015 21:29
Export Roles and users in a package
$package = (New-Package -Name "Security")
$source = Get-Role -Filter * | New-SecuritySource -Name "All Roles"
$source = Get-User -Filter * | New-SecuritySource -Name "All Users"
$source = New-SecuritySource -Filter sitecore\* -Name "Sitecore Roles and users" -AccountType Unknown
Export-Package "Security" -Project $package