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On rightclick on a entity:
if name of entity is "Jern Jørgen":
if player has permission "ag":
wait 3 ticks
open chest with 1 row named "&7&lAutosmelt" to player
set slot 3 of player's current inventory to cobblestone named "&f&lCobblestone" with lore "&7Klik her for at smelte" and "&71 cobblestone instant" and "&7pris = 3 kul"
set slot 5 of player's current inventory to iron ore named "&f&lIron Ore" with lore "&7Klik her for at smelte" and "&71 iron ore instant" and "&7pris = 5 kul"
send "&4Fejl! &cDu skal være AG før du kan gøre dette!" to player
#Cell Ranks
#Specify ranks in this file and what permissions players have in cells at this rank
#Players can manage what ranks there friends are via a GUI
#Possible permissions
# CELL_* - Full admin access to the cell - Includes permissions to delete the cell and transfer ownership
# CELL_GUI - Open the cells GUI
# CELL_MANAGE_MEMBERS - Allows players to manage other peoples ranks of those with a lower priority
# CELL_PLACE - Allow players to place blocks
# CELL_BREAK - Allow players to break blocks
[10:45:16] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: [OldCombatMechanics] Error in a packet listener (send).
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
at kernitus.plugin.OldCombatMechanics.utilities.reflection.Reflector.invokeMethod( ~[OldCombatMechanics.jar:?]
at$ ~[OldCombatMechanics.jar:?]
at$PacketAccess.lambda$setCollisionRule$4( ~[OldCombatMechanics.jar:?]
at kernitus.plugin.OldCombatMechanics.utilities.reflection.Reflector.getUnchecked( ~[OldCombatMechanics.jar:?]
at$PacketAccess.setCollisionRule( ~[OldCombatMechanics.jar:?]