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MITMPROXY_SSLKEYLOGFILE=/tmp/sslkeylog ./mitmproxy --w /tmp/mitmproxy --anticache
AilisObrian /
Created July 28, 2016 06:42
Consul & Envconsul Test.
consul agent -data-dir=~/projects/consul -server -ui -bootstrap


Proxy / Cache

Mailgun (회원가입 시 통보메일)

-Push (푸시기능)

-Share (공유기능)

-Localization (중국어/영어)


MongoDB Replica

#NPM Shrinkwrap Workflow

Our workflow consists of the following steps:

  1. Hack on changes and merge to master
  2. CI detects commits to master and runs tests
  3. CI machine runs npm test
  4. Once tests pass, deployable artifact is built on separate system - call this the "build phase"
  5. Build machine runs npm install to install dependencies
  6. Build machine creates gzipped tarball (which includes dependencies) and pushes gzip file to artifact server