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Alex-Huleatt /
Last active June 19, 2018 15:29
Simple dungeon maker. Guaranteed connectedness.
@author AlexHuleatt
Generate a simple, connected dungeon. Focus is on rooms, not maze-like features.
Output of get_dungeon is two sets:
1. A set of (y,x) tuples representing the position of walls
2. A set of (y,x) tuples representing the walls removed to make doors
from random import randint, sample
Nice reasonably fast primality test. Certainly true for p < 2^64.
Uses conjectured (John Selfridge) primality test for numbers congruent to 2 or 3 mod 5, and deterministic miller-rabin otherwise.
modfib is modpow but with fibonacci instead. Uses recursive identities to get fib(x) in O(log(x)) (linear on the length of x)
millerRabin_small is going to be better for any n < 2**64
Google deprecated their search api
Google results pages do not immediately contain result urls (I checked)
Here is a really bad script to get the first page of results and a bunch of other stupid irrelevant urls
You need selenium and firefox.
Works for me on OSX.
Suck it Google, you can't control me.
#!/usr/bin/env python
@author AlexHuleatt
Terminal-based Tron or Light-cycles remake.
Made just for fun.
Uses a breadth-first search for the enemy.
Can be pretty easily tricked into going down 1-cell wide sections, as long as end is open.
Game was sped up to make this slightly more challenging.
match=0 #var for match brackets
i=0 #program counter
tape=[0]*30000 #"infinite" tape
t_cnt=15000 #tape counter
ops={'>':'p_cnt+=1', #map of chars to python code