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import cfg
import socket
import re
import time
import array
import thread
CHAT_MSG = re.compile(r"^:\w+!\w+@\w+\.tmi\.twitch\.tv PRIVMSG #\w+ :")
CHAT_USR = re.compile(r"\w+")
INT_PARSER = re.compile(r"\b\d{7,8}\b")
AlexCMueller / uni.c
Created June 12, 2016 00:45
What the...
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
enum {I,O,V,A,L};
int n=44,i,c,T[M]={L,A,8,A,2, V,0,L,L,V,
A,14,L,A,2,V,0,L,A,5,A,2, V,0,O,O,A},b,s;
typedef struct _{int t,r; struct _*e,*n;} C;C*e,*f,*l,*S[M];
void x(int l,int u){for(;l<=u;T[n++]=T[l++]);}
int g(){i--||(i=b,c=getchar());return c>>i&1;}
qaqqbqqaj@bkk:if getline('.') != '0' | exe 'normal !a' | endif
qqb<C-x>k5<C-a>j:if getline('.') != '0' | exe 'normal @b' | endif
1. d4 d5 2. Bf4 { D00 Queen's Pawn Game: Mason Attack } f5?! { (0.08 → 0.67) Inaccuracy. Best move was Bf5. } (2... Bf5 3. e3 Nf6 4. Nf3 e6 5. Nbd2 h6 6. Bd3 Bxd3 7. cxd3 Nc6 8. O-O Bb4 9. a3) 3. Na3 e6 4. h3?! { (0.49 → -0.30) Inaccuracy. Best move was Nb5. } (4. Nb5 Na6) 4... Bxa3 5. b3?? { (-0.31 → -4.39) Blunder. Best move was bxa3. } (5. bxa3 c5 6. c3 Qa5 7. Qc1 Nf6 8. e3 Nc6 9. Nf3 Ne4 10. Nd2 O-O 11. Nb3 Qd8) 5... g5?! { (-4.39 → -3.41) Inaccuracy. Best move was Nf6. } (5... Nf6 6. Bc1 Bb4+ 7. Bd2 Bxd2+ 8. Qxd2 Ne4 9. Qc1 c5 10. dxc5 O-O 11. Nf3 Qa5+ 12. c3) 6. Bd2 Nh6?! { (-3.81 → -2.90) Inaccuracy. Best move was Bb2. } (6... Bb2 7. Rb1 Bxd4 8. e3 Bf6 9. Qh5+ Kf8 10. c4 Qe7 11. b4 a6 12. Qd1 dxc4 13. Bxc4) 7. c3 O-O? { (-2.98 → -1.06) Mistake. Best move was Bd7. } (7... Bd7 8. h4 Nf7 9. hxg5 Nxg5 10. e3 Qf6 11. b4 a5 12. bxa5 Bc6 13. Nf3 Nxf3+ 14. gxf3) 8. e3? { (-1.06 → -3.32) Mistake. Best move was b4. } (8. b4 c5 9. Nf3 Nf7 10. Qb3 Bxb4 11. cxb4 c4 12. Qb2 Nd7 13. g3 b5 14. Bg2 h6) 8... e5? { (-3.3
Config {
-- appearance
font = "xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=9:bold:antialias=true"
, bgColor = "black"
, fgColor = "#646464"
, position = Top
, border = BottomB
, borderColor = "#646464"
make ARCH=x86-64 COMP=gcc config-sanity
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/zachary/stockfish-7-linux/src'
debug: 'no'
optimize: 'yes'
arch: 'x86_64'
bits: '64'
prefetch: 'yes'
bsfq: 'yes'
1. c3-d4 e5-d4-c3
2. d2-c3-b4 d6-e5
3. b4-c5-d6 e7-d6-c5
4. e3-d4 c5-d4-e3
5. f2-e3-d4 e5-f4
6. g3-f4-e5 d6-e5-f4-e3-d2
7. d4-c5 b6-c5-d4-e3-f2
8. g1-f2-e3 e5-d4
9. c3-d4-e5 f6-e5-d4
10. e1-d2-c3 c5-b4
AlexCMueller / fizzbuzz.cs
Last active August 5, 2017 16:23
C# program that solves FizzBuzz for the integers 1-50 and outputs on stdout. Credit to @noahkiq for the idea.