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// Tab set
"class": "tabset_control",
"layer0.texture": "",
AlexVKO / palestra-tdc2014-florianopolis
Created October 16, 2015 23:01 — forked from brunogh/palestra-tdc2014-florianopolis
Palestras TDC 2014 - Florianópolis
Palestras TDC 2014 - Florianópolis
Lucas Prim
RSpec Best Friends
Mauro George
AlexVKO / passwords_controller.rb
Created November 3, 2015 05:15
Allow devise to reset password signed in
class PasswordsController < Devise::PasswordsController
# here we need to skip the automatic authentication based on current session for the following two actions
# edit: shows the reset password form. need to skip, otherwise it will go directly to root
# update: updates the password, need to skip otherwise it won't even reset if already logged in
skip_before_filter :require_no_authentication, :only => [:edit, :update]
# we need to override the update, too.
# After a password is reset, all outstanding sessions are gone.
# When already logged in, sign_in is a no op, so the session will expire, too.
# The solution is to logout and then re-login which will make the session right.
AlexVKO / comment.rb
Created November 24, 2015 00:05
Post with commentable comments
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :commentable, polymorphic: true
has_many :comments, as: :commentable
AlexVKO / tmux.conf
Created November 26, 2015 22:36
Tmux conf
# set Ctrl-a as the default prefix key combination
# and unbind C-b to free it up
set -g prefix C-k
unbind C-b
#set-window-option -g mode-mouse on
# set window and pane index to 1 (0 by default)
set-option -g base-index 1
setw -g pane-base-index 1
AlexVKO / Gemfile ok
Created December 6, 2015 19:42
sublime text test
# Use Unicorn as the app server
# gem 'unicorn'
# Use Capistrano for deployment
# gem 'capistrano-rails', group: :development
AlexVKO / config_generators.rb
Created December 6, 2015 20:16
rails config generators
config.generators do |g|
g.test_framework :rspec, fixture: true
g.fixture_replacement :factory_girl, dir: 'spec/factories'
g.view_specs false
g.helper_specs false
g.stylesheets = false
g.javascripts = false
g.helper = false
AlexVKO / add_hstore_extension.rb
Created December 6, 2015 20:47
rails postress migration hstore
class AddHstoreExtension < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
execute 'CREATE EXTENSION hstore'
def down
execute 'DROP EXTENSION hstore'
AlexVKO / title-case-filter.js
Created December 9, 2015 19:01 — forked from jeffjohnson9046/title-case-filter.js
A title-case filter for AngularJs
// Came from the comments here:
app.filter('titlecase', function() {
return function (input) {
var smallWords = /^(a|an|and|as|at|but|by|en|for|if|in|nor|of|on|or|per|the|to|vs?\.?|via)$/i;
input = input.toLowerCase();
return input.replace(/[A-Za-z0-9\u00C0-\u00FF]+[^\s-]*/g, function(match, index, title) {
if (index > 0 && index + match.length !== title.length && > -1 && title.charAt(index - 2) !== ":" &&
(title.charAt(index + match.length) !== '-' || title.charAt(index - 1) === '-') &&