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Alexander Dzhoganov AlexanderDzhoganov

  • Sofia, Bulgaria
View GitHub Profile
import { AsyncLocalStorage } from 'async_hooks'
import nanoid from 'nanoid'
export const traceIdLocalStorage = new AsyncLocalStorage()
async function addTraceIdToRequest(ctx, next) {
const traceId = await nanoid()
ctx.set('X-Trace-ID', traceId){ traceId }, next)
AlexanderDzhoganov / DebugUtil.cs
Created March 14, 2015 14:08
Dump RenderTexture to PNG in Unity
public static class DebugUtil
public static void DumpRenderTexture(RenderTexture rt, string pngOutPath)
var oldRT =;
var tex = new Texture2D(rt.width, rt.height); = rt;
tex.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, rt.width, rt.height), 0, 0);
// Harvest t1 loc's in under 500 symbols
// Syntax: script {t: #s.some_corp.loc }
// Use with targets from ada.fullsec { npc: true }
// By nlight
function(c, a)
var _ = (c, p) => { c.forEach(p) }, // loop utility method
r ={}), // first call to get method names
k = /d with ([a-z]+):/.exec(r)[1], // extract command key
import fs from 'fs'
import path from 'path'
import qs from 'querystring'
import httpsProxyAgent from 'https-proxy-agent'
import axios from 'axios'
const outDir = './images/'
const baseUrl = ''
const userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.64 Safari/537.11'
let proxies = [
loader.js:1014 received input: frame = 501, effective = 504, time = 8.3499, my_time = 8.4999, my_frame = 510
loader.js:1014 rollback at 511 to 501
loader.js:1014 frame sim took 70ms
loader.js:1014 frame sim took 5ms
loader.js:1014 frame sim took 6ms
loader.js:1014 frame sim took 4ms
loader.js:1014 frame sim took 5ms
loader.js:1014 frame sim took 5ms
loader.js:1014 frame sim took 4ms
loader.js:1014 frame sim took 4ms
bool netplay_manager::rollback(unsigned long long before_frame)
if (m_debug)
NETPLAY_LOG("rollback at %llu to %llu", m_frame_count, before_frame);
auto sys_start_time = system_time();
netplay_assert(before_frame <= m_frame_count); // impossible to go to the future
// Hackmud Token API
// Authors:
// nlight (aka
// -- Motivation --
// The token API allows for the existence of unhackable* user issued in-game currencies running on a network of FULLSEC scripts.
// Each implementation (instance) of the API represents a supply of tokens (currency) the ownership of which can be transferred
// securely between users. The user who hosts the token script (the issuer) is in full control of the supply and can issue new
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
template <typename T, typename Container>
class Queue
function(context, args)
var SERVICE_USER = "foobar"
var CURRENT_USER = context.caller
function user_sells_rep(amount) {
var send_result ={ send: true, to: BANK_USER, from: CURRENT_USER, amount: amount })
if(!send_result.ok) {
return { ok: false, msg: "Failed to create deposit transaction: " + send_result.msg }
function(context, x)
if(!x) x = {}
var _ = (c, x) => c.forEach(x),
__ = (i, x, q) => { for(q = 0; q < i; q++) { x() } },
usr = context.caller,
ctns = (ar, it) => {
var f
_(ar, i => {
if(i == it) f = true