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if([[anObject class] instancesRespondToSelector:@selector("ID:")])
if([anObject ID]==[self ID])
return YES;
return NO;
import <Foundation/CPObject.j>
import "Song.j"
var BotonMiListaIdentifier = "BotonMiListaIdentifier",
AddSongToolbarItemIdentifier = "AddSongToolbarItemIdentifier",
RemoveSongToolbarItemIdentifier = "RemoveSongToolbarItemIdentifier";
@implementation AppController : CPObject
var indexSet = [[libraryCollectionView selectionIndexes] firstIndex];
[librarySongs removeObjectAtIndex: indexSet];
[libraryCollectionView reloadContent];
[titleView setBackgroundColor:[CPColor whiteColor]];
[authorView setBackgroundColor:[CPColor whiteColor]];
alert("Pinte blanco");
alert("Pinte azul");
import <Foundation/CPObject.j>
@implementation SFTable : CPView
CPCollectionView collectionView;
CPPanel bgPanel
CPArray model;
CPArray title;
Removes selected items
var indexes= [collectionView selectionIndexes];
var arr = [[CPArray alloc]init];
var a = [[collectionView selectionIndexes] firstIndex];
var b = [[collectionView selectionIndexes] lastIndex];
[indexes getIndexes: arr maxCount: a inIndexRange: CPMakeRange(0, b)];
for(var i=0; i< [arr count];i++){
var indexes= [collectionView selectionIndexes];
var arr = [[CPArray alloc]init];
var a = [[collectionView selectionIndexes] firstIndex];
var b = [[collectionView selectionIndexes] lastIndex];
[indexes getIndexes: arr maxCount: a inIndexRange: CPMakeRange(0, 10)];
for(var i=0; i< [arr count];i++){
[model removeObjectAtIndex: [arr indexOfObject: i]];
[collectionView reloadContent];
/*The Music browser*/
@implementation SFBrowser : CPWindow
SFTable libraryTable;
/*Una bonita contructora*/
- (id)initWithSource:(CPArray)list{
//Creamos un HUD como panel para que pueda esta arriba de todas las demas ventanas
self = [[CPPanel alloc] initWithContentRect:CGRectMake(400, 50, 800, 500)styleMask:CPHUDBackgroundWindowMask|CPResizableWindowMask];
import <Foundation/CPObject.j>
import "Song.j"
import "SFTable.j"
import "MyList.j"
import "SFBrowser.j"
import "SFColumnModel.j"
var BotonBrowserIdentifier = "BotonBrowserIdentifier" ,
BotonMiListaIdentifier = "BotonMiListaIdentifier",
AddSongToolbarItemIdentifier = "AddSongToolbarItemIdentifier",
RemoveSongToolbarItemIdentifier = "RemoveSongToolbarItemIdentifier";
Alos / SFTable
Created September 29, 2008 04:08
import <Foundation/CPObject.j>
import "Song.j"
@implementation SFTable : CPView
/*Para las tablas*/
CPCollectionView collectionView;
CPArray model;
/*Cosas para los titulos*/
CPArray columnModel