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import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
r = requests.get("")
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content)
data = soup.findAll("div", {"class":"level2"})
#Find the "research article" and get it's index.
import requests
STEAM_API_KEY = "your_api_key"
r = requests.get(""+ STEAM_API_KEY + "&steamid=76561197973685973&format=json")
data = r.json()["response"]["games"]
for game in data:
print game["playtime_forever"], game["appid"]
u'startDate':1381820400000 L,
u'x':1381820400000 L
import json
j = '$(function() {Lumos.TrainerApp.History.Summaries.Show.init({"bpiSeries":{"name":"BPI","id":"overall","data":[{"x":1381820400000,"y":824},{"x":1381993200000,"y":1008},{"x":1382079600000,"y":1056},{"x":1382166000000,"y":1161},{"x":1382252400000,"y":1198},{"x":1382511600000,"y":1246},{"x":1383289200000,"y":1238},{"x":1383638400000,"y":1255},{"x":1383897600000,"y":1277},{"x":1383984000000,"y":1255},{"x":1384156800000,"y":1301},{"x":1404457200000,"y":1244},{"x":1405062000000,"y":1242},{"x":1406012400000,"y":1237},{"x":1406185200000,"y":1213},{"x":1408690800000,"y":1229},{"x":1409036400000,"y":1234}]},"calendarData":[{"date":1406444400000,"data":{"bac_counts":{"data":[]},"bpi_change":{"overall":{"bpi_change":0,"new_bpi":1213},"Speed":{"bpi_change":0,"new_bpi":1245},"Memory":{"bpi_change":0,"new_bpi":910},"Attention":{"bpi_change":0,"new_bpi":1003},"Flexibility":{"bpi_change":0,"new_bpi":1392},"Problem Solving":{"bpi_change":0,"new_bpi":1496}},"results":{"Speed":[],"Memory":[],"Attention":[],"Flexi
; The official HD AI
; An Artificial Intelligence Script written by Archon and Promiskuitiv
; Get in contact with Promiskuitiv by sending a mail to
; List of taunts it reacts to:
; Standard taunts.
; 33 - Stop slinging resources. If slinging is requested early and is immediately canceled it may mess up the strategy.
; 38 - Sling Resources. Human player only, stops any unit production except for civilian units.
Andygmb / tables
Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
For keeping history of people registered to the RUGC trading systems, tracking IP's, alternate accounts, new accounts, multiple logins from different accounts on the same ip or same reddit account.
Registered Users Table
Primary Key | Reddit | Steam | IP | Status |
1 | andygmb | 000000000000000000 | | Banned |
Sign in with reddit + steam
return AJAX loading page that sends a request to /subreddit/registration_status every (?) seconds for status on query
Check steamrep status (API request to
class Parent(Base):
__tablename__ = 'parent'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
children = relationship("Child0"), relationship("Child1"), relationship("Child2")
class Child0(Base):
__tablename__ = 'child'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
parent_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
def id_generator(size=6, chars=string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits):
return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size))
wrap: function (x, min, max){
return x < 0 ? max + x : min
get_neighbour:function(x, y) {
if (g.grid[x] && g.grid[x][y]){
return g.grid[x][y].state
} else // else the number is out of bounds{
x = g.func.wrap(x, 0, 500);