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Antonlovesdnb / queries.kql
Last active June 22, 2022 00:09
KQL Queries
//These are KQL queries that I'm playing with - not production ready, not tested in production, I am very new to KQL :)
//I am using the Sysmon parser here:
//Each query includes a description of what I was trying to accomplish
//I want to get a list of distinct process guids, and then based off that, list the DLL's loaded by each Process - I want to use ProcessGuid rather than Image to seperate out ImageLoads by instance of a process - to view this enable the "Group Columns" feature and drag the Image field into the grey area
| where EventID == 7
| summarize dc_processguid=make_set(tostring(ProcessGuid)) by tostring(ImageLoaded), tostring((Image))
| summarize make_list(tostring(ImageLoaded)) by tostring((dc_processguid)),tostring(Image)
| project Image, list_ImageLoaded
<Rule name="Chromium Incoming Network Connect" groupRelation="and">
<Initiated condition="is">false</Initiated>
<SourceIp condition="contains any">;0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1</SourceIp>
<Rule groupRelation="and" name="Suspicous ImageLoad-umpdc">
<!-- -->
<Image condition="excludes any">C:\Windows\;C:\Program</Image>
<ImageLoaded condition="contains">umpdc.dll</ImageLoaded>