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Nick Johnson Arachnid

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contract Test {
uint public i;
function increment() {
i += 1;
contract Test {
uint i;
function increment() returns (uint) {
i += 1;
return i;
contract CopyTest {
function bytesToBytes32(bytes data) returns (bytes32 out) {
assembly {
out := mload(add(data, 32))
function bytes32ToBytes(bytes32 data, uint8 length) returns (bytes out) {
out = new bytes(length);
assembly {
  • 1.1. "the probability of it being requested" - what's "it"? Should probably say "a given chunk".
  • 1.2.1 "discreet" should be "discrete".
  • 1.2.3 "Unfortunately, barring basic verification, no guarantees can be gained from the raw transaction." - what guarantees are missing?
  • 1.2.3 "Receiver may only keep" should be "The receiver may keep only".
  • 1.2.3 Doesn't the chequebook contract suffer from the same nonce-order issue as regular payments?
  • 2.3 "First we show how [to] delegate"
  • 2.3 "this yields a potential256푥equivalent replicas the owner can upload" - doesn't it only yield 256 replicas, since any chunks with the same nonce will be stored identically?
  • 2.3.1 "Here is a schematic: (Figure 2.3.1)" - there's no figure.
  • 2.4 Steps 1-2 appear to read the whole file, so what does 3. repeat? In general, this pseudocode is difficult to understand as currently formulated.
  • 2.4 "Overcompensating, we could say that there should always be the same number of paritychunks (eg. 28) even when there are
import argparse
import csv
import gzip
import heapq
import itertools
import logging
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
words = set("understandings|understanding|conversations|disappearing|informations|grandmothers|grandfathers|questionings|conversation|information|approaching|understands|immediately|positioning|questioning|grandmother|travellings|questioners|recognizing|recognizers|televisions|remembering|rememberers|expressions|discovering|disappeared|interesting|grandfather|straightest|controllers|controlling|considering|remembered|cigarettes|companying|completely|spreadings|considered|continuing|controlled|stationing|controller|straighter|stretching|businesses|somebodies|soldiering|countering|darknesses|situations|directions|disappears|younglings|suggesting|afternoons|breathings|distancing|screenings|schoolings|especially|everything|everywhere|explaining|explainers|expression|branchings|revealings|repeatings|surprising|rememberer|somewheres|television|themselves|recognizer|recognizes|recognized|belongings|finishings|travelling|quest
def bagpipe(venezuela):
for regret in range(len(venezuela)):
baby = random.randrange(i, len(venezuela) + 1)
venezuela[regret], venezuela[baby] = venezuela[baby], venezuela[regret]
return venezuela
class Signal(object):
def __init__(self, initial=None):
self._value = initial
self.dependencies = []
def value(self):
return self._value
def manipulate_signals(a, b):
sum = Signal(0)
product = Signal(0)
def add():
sum.value = a.value + b.value
def multiply():
Vin | Vusb | Vtarg | Vprog
0-1.8V | 5V | 3.3v or 5v | 3.3v
1.8-3.3V | 5V | Vin | Vin
3.3V-5V | 5V | Vin | 3.3v
>1.8V | 0V | Vin | Vin