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Omer Goldberg Arieg419

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const timeout = () => {
setTimeout(() => alert("WoW"), 1000);
const add = (x,y) => x + y;
const subtract = (x,y) => x - y;
const multiply = (x,y) => x * y;
const arrayOfFunctions = [add, subtract, multiply];
arrayOfFunctions.forEach(calculationFunction => console.log(calculationFunction(1,1))); // 2 0 1
const addWrapper = () => (x,y) => x + y;
const add = addWrapper();
const sum1 = add (1,2); // 3
// Or we could do it like this
const sum2 = addWrapper()(4,4); // 8
async function getUserToken(id) {
const token = await getTokenFromServer(id);
return token;
let a = 4;
let b = 5;
let c = 6;
const updateTwoVars = (a) => {
c = a * b;
console.log(b,c); // b = 6, c = 24
const functionAsObjectProperty = {
print: (value) => console.log(value)
functionAsObjectProperty.print("mic check"); // "mic check"
const bankStatement =
name =>
location =>
balance =>
`Hello ${name}! Welcome to the bank of ${location}. Your current balance is ${balance}`;
const statementExpectingLocation = bankStatement("Omer");
const statementExpectingBalance = statementExpectingLocation("NYC");
const bankStatementMsg = statementExpectingBalance("100 million"); // wishful thinking?
let a = 4;
let b = 5;
let c = 6;
const updateTwoVars = (a, b, c) => [b++, a * b];
const updateRes = updateTwoVars(a,b,c);
b = updateRes[0]
c = updateRes[1]
const CounterContract = {
balance: 0,
counter: 0,
incrementValue: function() {
id: 1,
fromAddress: "Alice",
call: function() {
return {
const MoveFundsAfterDateContract = {
balance: 400,
expirationDate: new Date("October 13, 2016 11:13:00"),
id: 2,
fromAddress: "Bob",
call: function() {
return { getBalance: this.balance, getFromAddress: this.fromAddress };
send: function() {
return { changeBalance: this.changeBalance };