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Mingye Wang Artoria2e5

not focusing!
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Artoria2e5 /
Last active February 19, 2016 21:23
wx, gtk, and ~~perhaps~~ certainly more

I don't know if it works. Perhaps I should try Hyper-V'ing ArchLinux?

  • We should use the big full wxWidget tarball
  • We should make everything in one PKGBUILD, so qt, gtk2/3, xft...
  • fill in the blanks
    • some makedepends
    • all these packages should 'provide' to a virtual package called wxWidgets or so
    • some pkgdep
      • wxbase =-synced version
  • pkgdesc
Artoria2e5 / config.js
Last active February 8, 2016 10:13
exports = {
// not impl'ing tg multiacc now
telegram: {
// apikey: botcfg
'foobar': {
groups: {
// grpid : grpcfg
'23333': {
outfilter: (s) => s.replace('nangcr','南瓜超人'),
infilter : (s) => s.replace('phoenixlzx', '[who must not be named]')
Artoria2e5 /
Created October 30, 2015 01:58
GNU Manifesto vs. Emacs Doctor

I am the psychotherapist. Please, describe your problems. Each time you are finished talking, type RET once or click 'say'.

What's GNU? Gnu's Not Unix!

Why do you say what's gnu gnu's not unix!?

GNU, which stands for Gnu's Not Unix, is the name for the complete Unix-compatible software system which I am writing so that I can give it away free to everyone who can use it.(1) Several other volunteers are helping me.

Do you really think that?

Artoria2e5 /
Last active December 8, 2015 18:14
Mikeserv's script


Here is a reformatted version of the script:

(                                           # start a subshell to isolate env changes
IFS=/                                       # split on /
set -- /Dropbox/apache2-backup*             # set arg array to last glob, and:
set -ef # EXPANDED # turn off globbing (-f) and die on errors (-e)
Artoria2e5 / UL238582_linky.bash
Last active February 3, 2016 12:45
All those SE trash
((!EUID)) || exec sudo "$0" "$@" # Addicted to OR-logic
declare -A src_dst_pair src_dst_old; # dictionaries -- the older one not being used
oops(){ printf '%b\n' "oOpsS!\t$1">&2; exit "${2:-1}"; }
## oldlist file
## Gets the contents of a legacy list.
oldlist() {
local arr i s d;
awk '/^#BEGIN-log#/ {flag=1; next} /^#END-log#/ {flag=0} flag' "$1" | mapfile arr
declare -i i l="$1" r="$2" t magic=225052
for ((i=0; i<16; i++)); do
printf '0x%08x,\t' "$i" "$magic" "$(( (magic + 8) & 31))" "$(( ((magic + r) << 8) & 0xFFFFFFFF ))" "$(( (magic * (b+4)) & 0xFFFFFFFF))" "$(( (26172 * r) & 0xFFFFFFFF))" "$a"
# round function
Artoria2e5 / fbi_warning.bash
Last active November 12, 2015 07:47 — forked from 1a57danc3/FBI WARNING SSH NOTIFICATION.SH
# Add this to your bashrc. May work in other shells.
# For POSIX Portability, apply
# Find out current screen width, if COLUMNS is absent
[ "$COLUMNS" ] || COLUMNS=$(tput cols || echo 80) _fbi_resetcol=1
_FBI_MESSAGE="Federal Law provides severe civil and criminal penalties \
for the unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or exhibition of \
copyrighted motion pictures (Title 17, United States Code, Sections \
501 and 508). The Federal Bureau of Investigation investigates \
allegations of criminal copyright infringement"


August 28, 2015 | By Danny O'Brien | Translations should go anonymous without credit:
NoteHub, Gist

电子前哨基金会原文:Speech that Enables Speech: China Takes Aim at Its CodersEFF Copyright Info (CC-BY)

GoAgent,中国最流行的审查规避工具之一的作者在星期二清空了这个项目的主要源码库。项目的开发者 Phus Lu 将这个版本库的描述改为了“Everything that has a beginning has an end”(有始必有终)。Phus Lu 的 Twitter 账号历史也被清空,只留一条指向索尔仁尼琴(Alexander Solzhenitsyn)《不靠谎言而活》(Live Not By Lies)的推文。这篇文章最早发表在 1974 年

Artoria2e5 /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
Don't Starve (Together) Translator internals and mod API


The Translator class, located in data/scripts/translator.lua, provides a Gettext-based translator system. It also provides a variable LanguageTranslator of this type.

The functions, unless specicially stated, are class functions.

Don't Starve uses a custom and simplified Gettext parser and thus may not work as expected with gettext editors like POedit and Emacs. It only escapes \n, \r and ". Not even \ is escaped, causing problems when you want a literal \n (luckily the need for it would be quite rare unless someone is writing a programming tutorials mod or so.)

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am Arthur2e5 on github.
  • I am arthur2e5 ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is D1A7 59CC 186D 1A15 884D 4AD1 AE23 CE95 222D 7BDA

To claim this, I am signing this object: