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Created September 9, 2014 16:35
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CocoaPods Failure :(
> CocoaPods/bin/pod --help
CocoaPods, the Objective-C library package manager.
+ help Show help for the given command.
+ init Generate a Podfile for the current directory.
+ install Install project dependencies to Podfile.lock versions
+ ipc Inter-process communication
+ lib Develop pods
+ list List pods
+ outdated Show outdated project dependencies
+ plugins Show available CocoaPods plugins
+ push Temporary alias for the `pod repo push` command
+ repo Manage spec-repositories
+ search Searches for pods
+ setup Setup the CocoaPods environment
+ spec Manage pod specs
+ trunk Interact with the CocoaPods API (e.g. publishing new specs)
+ try Try a Pod!
+ update Update outdated project dependencies and create new
--silent Show nothing
--completion-script Print the auto-completion script
--version Show the version of the tool
--verbose Show more debugging information
--no-ansi Show output without ANSI codes
--help Show help banner of specified command
――― MARKDOWN TEMPLATE ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――
### Report
* What did you do?
* What did you expect to happen?
* What happened instead?
### Stack
CocoaPods : 0.33.1
Ruby : ruby 2.1.2p95 (2014-05-08 revision 45877) [x86_64-darwin13.0]
RubyGems : 2.2.2
Host : Mac OS X 10.9.4 (13E28)
Xcode : 5.1.1 (5B1008)
Ruby lib dir : /Users/ash/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.2/lib
Repositories : artsy - @ e91065751b5f7d9dba3d1bc7a6e407015b5b117e
master - @ 2047a941f7544cb41b2fb7191bdb7d9ca9dd189d
### Error
SystemExit - exit
/Users/ash/Desktop/Rainforest/CLAide/lib/claide/command.rb:369:in `exit'
/Users/ash/Desktop/Rainforest/CLAide/lib/claide/command.rb:369:in `banner!'
/Users/ash/Desktop/Rainforest/CLAide/lib/claide/command.rb:494:in `banner!'
/Users/ash/Desktop/Rainforest/CLAide/lib/claide/command.rb:442:in `validate!'
/Users/ash/Desktop/Rainforest/CLAide/lib/claide/command.rb:270:in `run'
/Users/ash/Desktop/Rainforest/CocoaPods/lib/cocoapods/command.rb:47:in `run'
CocoaPods/bin/pod:33:in `<main>'
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