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Last active June 24, 2024 20:37
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openapi-typescript react-query

openai-typescript react-query

This is an extremely crude example for a function that uses your openapi-typescript output to make a dynamic hook with react-query. If you find this useful and make changes, please comment them!


// generated paths
import { paths } from '@/data/@generated/api';
import { UseQueryOptions, UseQueryResult, useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query';
import { FetchOptions, FetchResponse } from 'openapi-fetch';
// Required! `pnpm i -D openapi-typescript-helpers`
import type { FilterKeys, PathsWithMethod, HasRequiredKeys, HttpMethod } from 'openapi-typescript-helpers';
// Import your client generated by `openapi-fetch`
import api from './api';
type QueryOptions = { queryOpts?: Partial<UseQueryOptions> };
type CreateUseQuery<Paths extends {}> = {
useFetch<T extends HttpMethod, P extends PathsWithMethod<Paths, T>>(
method: T,
url: P,
...init: HasRequiredKeys<FetchOptions<FilterKeys<Paths[P], T>>> extends never
? [((FetchOptions<FilterKeys<Paths[P], T>> & QueryOptions) | undefined)?]
: [FetchOptions<FilterKeys<Paths[P], T>> & QueryOptions]
): UseQueryResult<
FetchResponse<T extends keyof Paths[P] ? Paths[P][T] : unknown>['data'],
FetchResponse<T extends keyof Paths[P] ? Paths[P][T] : unknown>['error']
export const createUseQuery: CreateUseQuery<paths> = {
// @ts-expect-error It does return the correct type
useFetch(method, url, ...init) {
const options = init[0];
return useQuery({
// @ts-expect-error Params does exist sometimes
queryKey: [url, options?.body, options?.params],
queryFn: async ({ signal }) => {
// @ts-expect-error All good, we know this method exists
const { data, error } = await api.fetch[method.toUpperCase()](url, {
// ^^^^^^^^^ This is your client generated by `openapi-fetch`
if (data) return data;
throw new Error(error);
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