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Marc Moreno Ferrer Atternatt

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Atternatt / DataCaptionInfo.kt
Created March 24, 2017 12:26
Delegating SharedPreferences into parameters
data class DataCaptionInfo(private val context: Context) {
var name: String by Delegate.prefParam(context,"NAME", "")
var lastName: String by Delegate.prefParam(context, "LAST_NAME", "")
var email : String by Delegate.prefParam(context, "EMAIL", "")
var referalCode: String by Delegate.prefParam(context, "REFERAL_ID", "")
Atternatt / MonadUsage.kt
Last active September 21, 2017 04:55
sum4(4) //return 8
div2(4) //return 2
//[3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
fun hello(name: String, textDecorator: () -> String): String {
return "hello $name ${textDecorator()}"
Atternatt / CollectionExtensions.kt
Last active September 21, 2017 04:55
Extensions Basis
fun <T : Comparable<T>> List<T>.sort() {
val index = list.binarySearch(x);
Atternatt / OtherExamples.kt
Last active September 21, 2017 04:55
Kotlin Extension Usages
bundle?.let { intent.putExtras(it) } //si el bundle no es null, lo añadimos como extra al intent
//crear un animationSet al estilo builder
val animationSet = AnimatorSet().apply {
playTogether(animX, animY)
duration = 350
interpolator = FolioBounceInterpolator()
Atternatt / StringExample.kt
Created April 23, 2017 22:31
Operator Overloading
operator fun String.get(intRange: IntRange): String {
return this.substring(intRange)
val firstSentence = "hello Marc!"
val secondSentence = "World Wide"
val mixedSentence = firstSentence[0..4] + secondSentence[0..4]
//Hello World
Atternatt / Composed.kt
Last active September 21, 2017 04:56
fun twice(int: Int) = int * 2
fun trice(int: Int) = int * 3
fun getString(int: Int) = int.toString()
//el operador rangeTo es el '..' acepta un parametro de entrada y otro de salida
//si usamos mónadas para enlazarlo podemos concatenar la salida de uno con la entrada del otro
operator fun <T,R,V> ((T)->R).rangeTo(other: ((R)->V)): ((T)->V){
return {
Atternatt / Examples.kt
Created April 24, 2017 20:31
inline, reified, infix
inline fun <reified NewActivity : Activity> Activity.start(bundle: Bundle? = null) {
val intent: Intent = Intent(this,
bundle?.let { intent.putExtras(it) }
infix fun <Value>Boolean.then(block: () -> Value) {
import android.databinding.Observable as DataBindingObservable
private inline fun <reified T : DataBindingObservable, R : Any?> T.observe(
crossinline block: (T) -> R
): Observable<R> = create { subscriber ->
object : android.databinding.Observable.OnPropertyChangedCallback() {
override fun onPropertyChanged(observable: DataBindingObservable, id: Int) = try {
subscriber.onNext(block(observable as T))
} catch (e: Exception) {
Atternatt / ByDouble.kt
Last active September 21, 2017 04:56
Kotlin Delegation Example
class ByDouble(incrementer: Incrementer) : Incrementer by incrementer {
override fun increment(number: Int): Int {
return super.increment(number) * 2
Atternatt / DefaultPropertyDelegation.kt
Last active September 21, 2017 04:57
Property Deleagtion
class Database(private context: Context) {
val helper: SQLiteOpenHelper by lazy { SQLiteOpenHelper(context,...-) }
val observableProperty: Int by Delegates.observable { thisRef , newValue , oldValue -> doSomething()}
val vetoableProperty: Int by Delegates.vetoable { _ , newValue , oldValue -> return if (oldValue < newValue) true else false }