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Quick guide to setup an Azure instance to able to run TYPO3

Obvious steps

  • Join to Azure (Microsoft Live account and credit card needed) - Azure has 30 day free trial
  • Create Virtual Machine with Windows Server 2008 R2

Optional Useful tools

hyle / ko.utils.3.4.0.signatures.js
Last active September 25, 2018 09:12
KnockoutJS 3.4.0 / 3.4.1 / 3.4.2 utils (ko.utils) signatures
// knockout 3.4.0
ko.utils.addOrRemoveItem = function (array, value, included) { /* .. */ }
ko.utils.anyDomNodeIsAttachedToDocument = function (nodes) { /* .. */ }
ko.utils.arrayFilter = function (array, predicate) { /* .. */ }
ko.utils.arrayFirst = function (array, predicate, predicateOwner) { /* .. */ }
ixdy /
Last active April 12, 2024 20:19
Setting up ssh public key authentication on macOS using a YubiKey 4

Setting up ssh public key authentication on macOS using a YubiKey 4

I largely followed Florin's blog post, but have a few notes to add regarding issues I encountered:

Basic setup notes

  1. I used a YubiKey 4, while the blog describes using a YubiKey NEO. I'm sure a YubiKey 5 would also work. I'm also running macOS 10.13.6.
  2. I installed GPGTools as recommended. However, as I'll note later, it seems that gpg-agent only automatically starts when gpg is used; for ssh, you'll need to ensure it's running.
  3. Before generating your keys, decide what key size you want to use. If you run the list command inside gpg --edit-card, look for the Key attributes line to see what is currently selected. On my YubiKey 4, it defaulted to 2048 bits for all keys:
Key attributes ...: rsa2048 rsa2048 rsa2048