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Barbanio / April
Created April 29, 2022 14:17

Hello everyone! 🌻

This is my personal summary of the progress and needs that have arisen during the month of April on proposals and work related to AsyncAPI training.

We continue working on the first block of educational videos that introduce the user to what AsyncAPI is, how it is managed, and its objectives. The main goal is to provide the user with the necessary tools to clarify their doubts or expand their knowledge about the specification and the project.

Work in progress:

  • The discussion on the creation of the videos continues in this thread.
Barbanio / March
Created March 31, 2022 10:39

Hello! 🌼

This is my personal summary of the progress and needs that have arisen during the month of March on proposals and work related to AsyncAPI training.

We are working on a bunch of videos that introduce the user to what AsyncAPI is, how it is managed, and its objectives. The main goal is to provide the user with the necessary tools to clarify their doubts or expand their knowledge about the specification and the project.

Work done:

  • A storyboard sketch was made to plan how the execution of the first video might be. After this rehearsal, we were able to open the discussion about the performance of the videos. The conclusion reached is to record the videos with a PowerPoint presentation in which the speaker's image will also appear. The strategy is as follows:

Hello! 🌼

Here is my personal summary of the progress and needs that have arisen during February on the proposals and work related to AsyncAPI training.

As you know, we are working on some first tutorial scripts that will introduce the user to what AsyncAPI is, how it is managed, and what its objectives are. The main goal is to provide the user with the necessary tools to clarify their doubts or expand their knowledge about the specification and the project in general.

Currently, the work is at this point:

Work in progress:

Barbanio / January
Last active January 25, 2022 11:54
January update


From now on I plan to make a summary, at the end of each month, about the situation and changes regarding Training AsyncAPI.

As you know, AsyncAPI is exploring methods and ways to create educational content for its users. Initially, it talked about starting by creating educational and technical videos about AsyncAPI and its environment. The main goal is to provide the user with the necessary tools to clarify their doubts or expand their knowledge about the specification and the project in general.

Feel free if you have any suggestions on how to improve these updates or if you want to collaborate on this 😃

Work in progress: