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--- Day changed Sat May 25 2013
01:17 -!- yan is now known as Guest98909
01:44 < imIKARi> samuelololol chuiyi 明天一起 ubike!
01:46 < samuelololol> 有神經病阿,趕快把他帶走阿! imIKARi
07:14 < darkx> 大家早安~
07:36 < JimmyPan> 大家早XD
08:50 < sonyu> 早安~ pycon
09:04 < qrtt1> pycontw 2013 opening
09:04 < AndCycle> Good morning (wry
09:06 < jeffhung> 早安。
--- Day changed Sun May 26 2013
07:52 < Ruin_at_Pycon> good morning~
07:53 < Ruin_at_Pycon> 正在搭客運中QAQ
08:29 -!- mode/ [+o pingooo_] by ChanServ
08:46 < JimmyPan> 大家早安~~
08:47 < elleryq> 早安
08:53 <@pingooo_> 早啊
08:53 < TrendyOtaku> 早安XD 參加conf居然比平常上班還早起=.=
08:54 < hychen> 早
08:55 < AndCycle> 教練我想睡覺
--- Day changed Sat May 25 2013
01:17 -!- yan is now known as Guest98909
01:44 < imIKARi> samuelololol chuiyi 明天一起 ubike!
01:46 < samuelololol> 有神經病阿,趕快把他帶走阿! imIKARi
07:14 < darkx> 大家早安~
07:36 < JimmyPan> 大家早XD
08:50 < sonyu> 早安~ pycon
09:04 < qrtt1> pycontw 2013 opening
09:04 < AndCycle> Good morning (wry
09:06 < jeffhung> 早安。
--- Log opened Fri May 17 20:16:37 2013
20:16 -!- Irssi: Total of 12 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 12 normal]
20:16 -!- Irssi: Join to was synced in 2 secs
--- Log opened Fri May 17 20:34:14 2013
20:34 -!- Irssi: Total of 12 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 12 normal]
20:34 -!- Irssi: Join to was synced in 2 secs
21:06 < RplusTW> 嗨~
21:06 < RplusTW> 試水溫~XD
21:11 < PTC> 大家好XDD
21:11 < RplusTW> 哩齁
dannvix / OSDC-2013-irc-logs.txt
Created April 20, 2013 15:45 logs for OSDC 2013 (Apr 19 – 20)
--- Log opened Thu Apr 18 14:41:31 2013
14:44 < dannvix> hello world!
15:45 < hcchien> just saw the picture that ingy got Taiwan beer!
20:12 -!- chihchun is now known as zz_chihchun
21:57 < clkao> miyagawa: muchomucho++
21:58 < clkao> grr missing osdc!
22:08 < hcchien> miyagawa: ping
23:17 < hcchien> btw, we will have the hackathron on Sunday.
23:17 < lunastorm> woot
23:17 < lunastorm> where
Barneybook / index.html
Created April 3, 2013 04:08
A CodePen by Barney Chen.
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