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Bastlifa / DLMoonTrack
Created August 29, 2017 16:11
Roll20 Script for Moon Tracking. Needs GM work to function.
/****************Dragonlance Moon Tracker*****************
A script to track the moon phases in a Dragonlance Game.
You'll need the accompanying images for the moon phases.
Put them in a table as specified. Create a character
named "MoonTracker", optionally, change the GM whisper
for Nuitari to whisper your black robed mages. Only they
can see Nuitari.
Bastlifa / Rooftops.js
Last active July 26, 2023 14:34
Rooftops Refactored (and laden with commented sections) for roll20
A script to remove and restore rooftops when a player gets within range of the building.
To use this:
1: After first loading, use !RooftopCommands to make the use macros
2: Use the polygon tool to make your dynamic lighting lines on the building.
3: Move the player flag to the page you want to use this on.
4: Use a roof token, best if it's rotation is an integer multiple of 90 degrees (0, 90, 180, 270)
5: Name the roof token "roof", without the quotes.
6: Drag in player tokens. That is, tokens either assigned to players, or representing characters assigned to player
7: Type !RoofReady into chat, or better yet, use it from the macro.
Bastlifa / NoWhisper
Created November 4, 2017 21:26
Removes GM Whispers From Characters in Roll20
on("ready", function() {
on("chat:message", function (msg) {
if (msg.type === "api" && msg.content === "!NoWhisper")
var characters = findObjs({type: 'character'});
for (var i=0; i<characters.length; i++)
if (getAttrByName(characters[i].id, 'wtype'))
Bastlifa / ShapeMakerSFHud
Last active July 26, 2023 14:10
ShapeMaker for Roll20 Starfinder HUD Sheet
//Fill in the table TemplateShapes that the script makes using the images from the imgur link
//imgur link:
//Also make a macro called ShapeMaker or something, body should read: !ShapemakerMacro
//Share that macro with all players.
//Warning! This only works on the page that the player tab is on. Make sure to select a token before clicking the shape
on("ready", function() {
Bastlifa / TurnClock
Created June 3, 2017 16:08
Turnclock for roll20, with help (rewrite really) from Aaron
on("ready", function() {
"use strict";
on("chat:message", function (msg) {
var args;
if (msg.type === "api"){
args = msg.content.split(/\s+/);
if (args[0].match(/^!Clock/i)){
let time = parseInt(args[1],10)||0;
let due =*1000,
Bastlifa / rooftops.js
Last active July 23, 2023 08:22
Rooftops plus dynamic lighting
// a script to remove rooftops if a player enters a building
// move the player flag to the page you want to use this on
// draw your dynamic lighting lines on your building
// use a roof token, best if it's rotation is an integer multiple of 90 degrees (0, 90, 180, 270)
// name the roof token "roof", without the quotes. Preferable put it on map layer
// drag in player tokens. That is, tokens either assigned to players, or representing characters assigned to player
// type !RoofReady into chat, or better yet, use it from a macro. Alternatively, dragging the player flag to the page does this.
// should be good to go. Let me know if there are errors please :)
// other feature: !RoofDLOff and !RoofDLOn will now turn off or on the dynamic lighting interaction of the script. Default is 'on'.
// if you want default to be off, change the declaration on line 21 to read: var dlInteraction = false;
Bastlifa / gist:291d456123179b335b408827a7fe24d4
Last active March 3, 2022 21:47
Threat and Momentum Report and Adjustment for Star Trek Adventures on Roll20. Simplified by Aaron.
You will need to create a character named TMChar. Leave him empty, but in the attributes and abilities tab,
add two attributes: PoolThreat, and PoolMomentum. Set appropriate caps. Momentum caps at 6, I believe.
I chose 20 for a threat cap, but I'm not sure there is one. You can edit to remove the cap on threat,
or just set it very high on the sheet.
You will then need to make 5 macros, with the following bodies:
Bastlifa / DiceSetup.js
Last active April 8, 2021 08:45
Dice Macro Setup for roll20: buttons make for faster rolling.
on("ready", function()
on("chat:message", function (msg)
if (msg.type === "api" && msg.content === "!DiceMacroSetup")
if (playerIsGM(msg.playerid))
if (!findObjs({_type: 'macro', _playerid: msg.playerid, name: 'd2'})[0])
Bastlifa / TemplateGenMacro
Last active September 15, 2020 20:51
Roll20 API Script to create aoe templates at tokens.
&{template:npcaction} {{name=Size and Shape}} {{rname=Shape Maker}} {{description=**Circle Radius**
[5 ft](!TemplateGenerator Circle 5) | [10 ft](!TemplateGenerator Circle 10) | [20 ft](!TemplateGenerator Circle 20) | [30 ft](!TemplateGenerator Circle 30) | [40 ft](!TemplateGenerator Circle 40)
**Square Side**
[10 ft](!TemplateGenerator Square 10) | [15 ft](!TemplateGenerator Square 15) | [20 ft](!TemplateGenerator Square 20) | [40 ft](!TemplateGenerator Square 40)
[60](!TemplateGenerator Cone 60 135) -------- [60](!TemplateGenerator Cone 60 90) -------- [60](!TemplateGenerator Cone 60 45)
----[30](!TemplateGenerator Cone 30 135) ---- [30](!TemplateGenerator Cone 30 90) ---- [30](!TemplateGenerator Cone 30 45)----
--------[15](!TemplateGenerator Cone 15 135) [15](!TemplateGenerator Cone 15 90) [15](!TemplateGenerator Cone 15 45)---------
Bastlifa / DruidShift
Last active August 19, 2020 04:08
Druid Shift Script for Roll20 D&D 5E OGL Sheet
/**************************************** Druid Shift ****************************************
This is for the 5E OGL sheet in Roll20. It will probably not work with any others without
some modification. Also, I didn't do much in the way of error checking.
The GM must make character named Druid X, where X is the creature being shifted into.
It is suggested that the GM duplicate existing creatures, rename them, and assign to the druid
player. The images for the characters must be uploaded and assigned to the avatar of the druid
form characters. The easiest way I've found it to open the character sheet, edit, right click
the picture in the avatar, copy, paste into your image program, save, upload and put it back in.
Maybe you could just upload it back into the avatar directly. Anyways, this won't work if you