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Making three half drill-spins into the air, Nemurin floated up once, then zoomed rapidly over to her goal. If she wished it, she could arrive at her destination in a flash. With an audible poof! sound effect, she landed and examined her surroundings.

—Volume 10, Page 179

"Nemurin saves magical girls when they're in trouble in their dreams. Even if there are some occasional screwups, surely Nemurin is being useful. And besides, when there are no magical girls dreaming, then Nemurin goes to beat up the bad dreams of non-magical girls. Nemurin has reformed space kaiju, given parachutes to people who were falling forever, resurrected people who got killed, resolved family troubles, brought back lovers who were about to leave their partners, gone out to places where people were in trouble because they didn't know the language and translated for them, and given clothing to people who suddenly found themselves alone and naked in the middle of town."

—Volume 10, Page 178-179

Then the super, all-purpose information-gathering devices that grew from Nemurin's head, the Nemurin Antennae, called out repeatedly in their shrill voices that a magical girl was falling asleep, so Nemurin flew straight off in the direction the antennae gave her.

—Volume 10, Page 176

Her long pigtails fluttered out behind her and blurred into gradated colors of wind and she passed between the clouds. No matter where in this world you searched, there was nobody who could catch up to Nemurin's speed. Sound, lightning, Top Speed—Nemurin would leave them all in the dust.

—Volume 10, Page 175

"I should be able to go visit anyone's dreams whenever I want," said the girl [Nemurin], "but now, I can only veeeery occasionally see people's dreams, just in bits and pieces. So if we miss our chance today, I don't know when we'll get another one."

—Volume 4, Page 100

The girl in the ten-gallon hat and revealing cowboy outfit smiled.

"Tee-hee-hee. My name's Calamity Mary. Howdy, Li'l Miss Wonder."

"All right!" the pajama girl [Nemurin] declared. "Time for mock fight with the beautiful Calamity Mary number thirty thousand!"

"Beautiful...?" said Masked Wonder.

—Volume 4, Page 100

There were ten men in black total, and all of them had machine guns in hand, muzzles pointed in her [Masked Wonder's] direction.

"Um...isn't this dangerous?" [Masked Wonder said.]

"Don't worry. This is a dream, after all." [Nemurin said.]


"Once you win this one, I'll double and triple the numbers. All right, then, everyone! I'll leave her to you!"

The girl in pajamas [Nemurin] scratched her head, and the fluffy decorations on the ends of her hair swayed. "I think something special happened to make things end up like this...but I can't remember what." She shook her head from side to side, and this time, all her hair swayed with her. It was moaning, going, "HMM, HMM." I can't go in and out of dreams when I want, which makes me think my magic has to have gotten weaker, and plus, I can't get out of dreams for some reason either...but hey. This was something you needed right now, right? Somehow, I understand that."

—Volume 4, Page 98-99

Even as she [Nemurin] flew toward the boundary between dreams and reality, she couldn't stop thinking about the girl she'd just seen.

—Volume 4, Page 11

Nemurin jumped off the roof of the inn and floated down, doing a spin to land beside the girl.

—Volume 4, Page 10