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BearAlliance /
Last active July 20, 2020 13:26
Pre-interview Code Project

Pre-interview Code Project

Use the Star Wars API to generate a list of the films that a particular character appears in.


Submit an application that accomplishes the objectives below. Hosting is up to you, we only need a link to a working deployment of your project, and a link to your source code. We reccomend js bin, Plunker, and StackBlitz for free, all-in-one solutions.

Alternatively, use github, gitlab, or bitbucket for source control, and a real hosting service such as AWS, Google Cloud, Digital Ocean, or Heroku. Bonus points for continuous integration and deployment


Taken from

10 Software Engineering Laws Everybody Loves to Ignore

1. Conway's Law

Also known as: "You will ship your org chart."

"Any organization that designs a system will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization's communication structure."

You may think you can avoid it via cross-functional standup meetings and stakeholder updates and decision matrices, but eventually and inevitably conflicting or diverging priorities will lead to equally conflicting or divergent processes and outcomes.