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Rebecca Valentine BekaValentine

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/\ = ∧
\/ = ∨
=> = ⇒ (also → and ⊃)
True = ⊤
False = ⊥
!- = ⊢
/\I: X [G], Y [G] !- X /\ Y [G]
/\E1: X /\ Y [G] !- X [G]
foreach edge in poly {
guard intersectionPoint = intersects(lineFromSegment(edge), lineFromSegment(ray));
guard sameDirection(intersectionPoint, ray);
guard withinSegment(intersectionPoint, edge);
theOneTruePoint = polyIntersectPoints.findClosestTo(rayCastOrigin);
def rayHit(raySeg, polys):
return minimizeBy([rayIntersectsPoly(raySeg, poly) for poly in polys], lambda(pt => length(pt - raySeg)))
def rayIntersectsPoly(raySeg, poly):
return minimizeBy([rayIntersectsEdge(raySeg, edge) for edge in poly], lambda(pt => length(pt - raySeg)))
def rayIntersectsEdge(raySeg, edgeSeg):
pt = intersectLines(raySeg, edgeSeg)
if lineSegmentContains(edgeSeg, pt) && pointIsInRightDir(raySeg, pt)
then return pt
hard goal => P a <-------- P b <= easy goal
| subst eq P
a ========= b
suc (a + suc b) == suc (b + suc a)
suc (suc (a + b)) == suc (b + suc a)
suc (suc (a + b)) == suc (suc (b + a))
... = begin
suc (a + suc b)
==< cong suc (lemma2 a b) >
suc (suc (a + b))
==< cong (suc.suc) (comm a b) >
suc (suc (b + a))
==< cong suc (sym (lemma2 b a)) >
suc (b + suc a)
args \ env size | 1
1 | \f x a -> f a (x a) = ap
2 | \f x y a -> f a (x a) (y a) = (ap .) . ap
3 | \f x y z a -> f a (x a) (y a) (z a) = (((ap .) . ap) .) . ap
args \ env size | 2
augur> now, the last piece of phase 1:
augur> well, let me first be precise now about function application:
augur> if Γ ⊢ M : a → b and Γ ⊢ N : a then Γ ⊢ M(N) : b
augur> ok now, the last thing we have to worry abot:
augur> if Γ, x : a ⊢ M : b then Γ ⊢ λx:a.M : a → b
augur> this is called lambda abstraction
augur> it just says: if M : b, relying on a variable x : a, then we can use up that variable and get a function out instead
augur> for instance: x : e ⊢ Dog(x) : prop so ⊢ λx:e. Dog(x) : e → prop
augur> or for example:
augur> φ : prop, ψ : prop ⊢ φ ∧ ψ : prop so ⊢ λφ:prop. λψ:prop. φ ∧ ψ : prop → prop → prop
this is the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that jack built
.--. .--. .------.
v | v | v |
S V O+[_ V O+[_ V O+[S V _]]]
this is the rat that the malt that the house contained was eat by
| .--------------. |
The structure of the sentences is as follows:
- <possible meaning for sentence>
please mark each possible meaning with Y if the sentence can have that meaning,
N if the sentence cannot have that meaning, or ? if its unclear, as in
- Y <possible meaning>