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Biggoron144 / ua_20200206_Subclasses-Part-2
Created April 6, 2020 00:37
MPMB Unearthed Arcana import test
var iFileName = "ua_20200206_Subclasses-Part-2.js";
// This file adds the content from the Unearthed Arcana: Subclasses, Part 2 article to MPMB's Character Record Sheet
// Define the source
SourceList["UA:SP2"] = {
name : "Unearthed Arcana: Subclasses, Part 2",
abbreviation : "UA:SP2",
group : "Unearthed Arcana",
url : "",
The Mror Holds
Artist: Julio Azevedo
Artist: Julio Azevedo
Tol kollan! Some say our ancestors came from a place of ice, but we all know that's nonsense. Our ancestors were the mountains themselves. The dragons were jealous of their mighty stature, so they cast a spell that put them all to sleep, and that's where the mountains come from. We dwarves? We're the sweat from their brow. Don't believe me? Go take a look at the Face of Mror! No one could carve something like that, my friend; that's the mountain's original face. As for the others, well, they just went to sleep face down. That's the tale I had from my father, and you wouldn't want to call him a liar!
Despite their long lives, the Mror dwarves are surprisingly unconcerned with recording the past. They care deeply about family. They cling to property, whether it's land or more portable possessions. They're fierce in protecting the things that they care about. But as the bard Kessler said, "The Mror care deeply about their stories, but facts just g
There's no evil in the heart of a newborn child. But demons prey on our base emotions, and from the moment we're born, the fiends start calling us down their dark paths. None of us are perfect, and there will be times when even the best are lured into darkness. But remember: the child who's gone astray isn't the enemy—they're the victim. You carry the Flame. Don't burn the misguided; instead, banish the shadows and lead them back into the light.
—Tira Miron, To the Templars
When humans first set foot on Khorvaire, they thanked Kol Korran for seeing them safely across the water. King Galifar I believed that it was Dol Arrah who guided him to victory and looked to Aureon to inspire his rule. But the humans didn't invent the Sovereign Host. Explorers in Xen'drik have uncovered a vast temple dedicated to Ouralon Lawbringer—a clear parallel to the Sovereign of Law and Lore, worshiped by the giants tens of thousands of years before human civilization existed.
For many hundreds of years, the Sovereign Host stood
Chapter 5: Planes of Existence
Artist: Benjamin Hubel
Artist: Benjamin Hubel
The sky was full of dreams. Countless points of light glittered against the endless darkness. But these were no stars. Some were quite close to Dela, and she could see them more clearly. There was movement within each iridescent sphere, images of people and places from across the world. In one, she could see a child begging on the streets of Sharn. In another, a woman was being crowned, surrounded by cheering people. Dela knew that if she touched one of these spheres, she would enter the dream, experiencing it just as if it was real. If she could find Rusty's dreams, she could speak to him. Try to save him. But how could she find one dream among the endless multitude?
It was then that she saw the shadow moving against the darkness. Its body was nearly invisible against the sky, but it was surrounded by a halo of glowing eyes. Gentle had warned Dela about these. Each eye was the essence of a mortal; its dreams had been consumed
August 11, 2021 • 30 Comments
IFAQ: Whaling In Eberron
As time permits, I like to answer interesting questions posed by my Patreon supporters. Questions like…