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Bill Petti BillPetti

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BillPetti / Quick heat maps using pheatmap package
Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
Quick way to generate heatmpahs in R using the pheatmap function; minimal changes to data needed
#load the following packages
#rename rows after attriubtes
rownames(data) <- data[,1]
#strip attribute column out
data2 <- data[,-1]
# create custom, 5-color green palette using ColorBrewer (
BillPetti / Likert 1-5 scale recode
Last active May 9, 2016 16:54
Recode survey data; 5-point Likert Scale, where 5=1, 1:4=0, coding all other responses as missing (NA)
Likert5 <- function(x) {
foo <- ifelse(x == 5, 1, ifelse(x >= 1 & x < 5, 0, NA))
foo <-
names(foo) <- paste0(names(foo), "_re")
BillPetti / Color-coded US Map
Created August 29, 2014 20:46
Color-coded Map with values by State
#create a map of the United States and color states by values of a specific variable
#load libraries
#create a table with lowercase, full names for each state and then the variable you want to use for the fill to the right of it. Name the first column "region"
#merge data and states in the map plot on the "region" variable; keep data arranged by polygon
BillPetti / variable_list.R
Last active May 27, 2017 13:48
A quick function for creating a convenient variable reference table in R
# Quick script to make a more readable list of variables and attributes for dataframes in RStudio.
# Gives variable number, name, first observation, and the variable's class and returns a dataframe
# Modeled on SPSS's Variable View
variable_list <- function(x) {
data <- x[1,]
data <- t(data)
vars <- row.names(data)
num <- 1:length(vars)
data <-,vars,data))
BillPetti / convert.magic.R
Created September 7, 2015 18:28
Function to convert multiple variables to different formats at once
convert.magic <- function(obj, type){
FUN1 <- switch(type, character = as.character, numeric = as.numeric, factor = as.factor)
out <- lapply(obj, FUN1)
BillPetti / Cumulative.WAR.Animate.R
Created February 10, 2016 13:15
Code used for creating an animated plot of cumulative WAR for players through their age-23 season
war <- read.csv("", header=TRUE, na.strings="NA", dec=".", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
war <- war %>% group_by(playerid) %>% arrange(Age) %>% mutate(Cumulative.Off = cumsum(Off), Cumulative.Def = cumsum(Def), Cumulative.WAR = cumsum(WAR))
plot <- ggplot(war, aes(Cumulative.Off, Cumulative.Def, frame = Age)) + geom_point(data = filter(war, Name == "Ted Williams"), colour = "red4", aes(size = Cumulative.WAR)) + geom_text(data = filter(war, Name == "Ted Williams"), aes(label = paste0("Williams:\n", Cumulative.WAR)), fontface = 2, size = 4.5, hjust=1, vjust=-1) + geom_point(data = filter(war, Name == "Ken Griffey Jr."), colour = "cyan3", aes(size = Cumulative.WAR)) + geom_text(data = filter(war, Name == "Ken Griffey Jr."), aes(label = paste0("Griffey, Jr.:\n", Cumulative.WAR)), fontface = 2, size = 4.5, hjust=0.5, vjust=-1) + geom_point(data = filter(war, N
BillPetti / is_it_opening_day.R
Last active January 17, 2017 21:48
A function to check on how long until opening day
is_it_opening_day <- function(x) {
openingday <- as.Date("2017-04-03")
if ((openingday - Sys.Date()) > 1) {print(paste0("Nope. We've still got ", (openingday - Sys.Date()), " days to go. Stay strong."))} else
if ((openingday - Sys.Date()) == 1) {print(paste0("Nope, opening night is not the same thing as opening day. We've still got 1 day to go. But there are a few games on tonight."))}
if ((Sys.Date() - openingday) > 1) {print(paste0("Seriously? The season started ", (Sys.Date() - openingday), " days ago. Go watch some baseball!"))}
if ((Sys.Date() - openingday) == 1) {print(paste0("The season started yesterday. Go watch some baseball!"))}
else {print("Yes! Rejoice! It's Opening Day, All's right with the world.")}
BillPetti / howmanyAltuves.r
Last active May 17, 2016 00:14
Function takes any distance in feet and converts it to the number of Jose Altuves
# Inspired by
# function takes any distance in feet and converts it to the number of Jose Altuves
howmanyAltuves <- function(x) {
altuves <- x/5.416666666666667
return(paste0(round(altuves,1), " Altuves"))
BillPetti / daily_batter_loop.R
Last active May 24, 2016 02:17
dates <- data.frame(date = seq(as.Date("2016-04-05"), as.Date("2016-04-10"), by = "day"))
test <- dates %>%
group_by(date) %>%
do(daily_batter_bref(.$date, .$date)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
select(date, everything()) %>%
BillPetti / mlb_team_colors.R
Last active December 16, 2018 03:36
Hex color palette for all 30 Major League Teams
# Bill Petti
# September 2016
# hex color palette for all 30 Major League Teams
# colors courtesy of the awesome
mlb_team_colors <- c("Diamondbacks"="#A71930", "Braves"="#13274F", "Orioles"="#DF4601", "Red Sox"="#BD3039", "Cubs"="#CC3433", "White Sox"="#000000", "Reds"="#C6011F","Indians"="#E31937", "Rockies"="#333366","Tigers"="#0C2C56", "Astros"="#EB6E1F", "Royals"="#004687", "Angels"="#BA0021", "Dodgers"="#005A9C", "Marlins"="#0077C8", "Brewers"="#B6922E", "Twins"="#002B5C", "Mets"="#FF5910", "Yankees"="#003087", "Athletics"="#003831", "Phillies"="#E81828", "Pirates"="#FDB827", "Padres"="#7F411C", "Giants"="#8B6F4E", "Mariners"="#005C5C", "Cardinals"="#C41E3A", "Rays"="#8FBCE6", "Rangers"="#003278", "Blue Jays"="#134A8E", "Nationals"="#AB0003")