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clowning about

Isak BitPuffin

clowning about
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import db_sqlite
var db = Open(connection="foo.db", user="rumpf", password="fpmur", database="mydb")
proc getFromWhere*(id, row, table: string): TRow =
result = db.getRow(sql"select 1 from ? where ? = ?", table, row, id)
template getFrom*(id, table: string): expr =
getFromWhere(id, "id", table)
# foo! this line causes error
proc genRandomSalt(len: int): string =
result = ""
for i in 0..<len:
result = char(random())
select exists (select 1 from groups where
user_id = (select from users where username=?) and
group_id = (select from groups where name='admin'))""", id)[0] == "t"
proc rotate(axis: TVector, angle: float): TMat4 =
let cosine = cos(angle).float32
let sine = sin(angle).float32
let oneminuscos = 1 - cosine
let xsquared = axis[0].pow(2.0)
let ysquared = axis[1].pow(2.0)
let zsquared = axis[2].pow(2.0)
result = [[cosine + oneminuscos*xsquared, oneminuscos*axis[0]*axis[1] - axis[2]*sine, oneminuscos*axis[0]*axis[2] + axis[1]*sine, 0],
[oneminuscos*axis[0]*axis[1] + axis[2]*sine, cosine + oneminuscos*ysquared, oneminuscos*axis[1]*axis[2] - axis[0]*sine, 0],
[oneminuscos*axis[0]*axis[2] - axis[1]*sine, oneminuscos*axis[1]*axis[2] + axis[0]*sine, cosine + oneminuscos*zsquared, 0],
proc rotate(axis: TVector, angle: float): TMat4 =
result = [[cos(angle) + (1 - cos(angle))*axis[0].pow(2.0), (1 - cos(angle))*axis[0]*axis[1] - axis[2]*sin(angle), (1 - cos(angle))*axis[0]*axis[2] + axis[1]*sin(angle), 0],
[(1 - cos(angle))*axis[0]*axis[1] + axis[2]*sin(angle), cos(angle) + (1 - cos(angle))*axis[1].pow(2.0), (1 - cos(angle))*axis[1]*axis[2] - axis[0]*sin(angle), 0],
[(1 - cos(angle))*axis[0]*axis[2] - axis[1]*sin(angle), (1 - cos(angle))*axis[1]*axis[2] + axis[0]*sin(angle), cos(angle) + (1 - cos(angle))*axis[2].pow(2.0), 0],
[0f32, 0f32, 0f32, 1f32]]
proc identity[T; N](): TMatrix[T, N, N] {.noSideEffect.} =
## Returns the identity matrix given the specified params
## This proc is unnecessarily inefficient for now because of
## the compiler
for i in N.low..N.high():
for j in N.low..N.high():
if i == j:
result[i][j] = 1.T
result[i][j] = 0.T
template identity(m: typedesc[TMatrix]): expr =
when m.R != m.C:
{.fatal: "Identity is only defined for square matrices".}
result = identity[m.T, m.R]()
echo(identity[float32, range[0..2]]())
[1.0000000000000000e+00, 4.5671119549274438e-41, -7.7153667807579041e-03]
[4.5671119549274438e-41, 1.0000000000000000e+00, 4.5916346780531281e-41]
[-7.4024423956871033e-03, 4.5671119549274438e-41, 1.0000000000000000e+00]
proc identity[T; N](): TMatrix[T, N, N] {.noSideEffect.} =
for i in N.low..N.high():
result[i][i] = 1
nimrod c graphics/terrain.nim
config/nimrod.cfg(36, 2) Hint: added path: '/home/isak/.babel/pkgs/nim-glfw-0.1.0' [Path]
config/nimrod.cfg(36, 2) Hint: added path: '/home/isak/.babel/pkgs/linagl-0.1.1' [Path]
config/nimrod.cfg(36, 2) Hint: added path: '/home/isak/.babel/pkgs/nim-ao-0.1.0' [Path]
config/nimrod.cfg(36, 2) Hint: added path: '/home/isak/.babel/pkgs/nim-portaudio-0.1.0' [Path]
config/nimrod.cfg(36, 2) Hint: added path: '/home/isak/.babel/pkgs/nim-vorbis-0.1.0' [Path]
config/nimrod.cfg(36, 2) Hint: added path: '/home/isak/.babel/pkgs/opengl-1.0' [Path]
config/nimrod.cfg(36, 2) Hint: added path: '/home/isak/.babel/pkgs/jester-0.1.0' [Path]
config/nimrod.cfg(36, 2) Hint: added path: '/home/isak/.babel/pkgs/nim-ogg-0.1.0' [Path]
config/nimrod.cfg(36, 2) Hint: added path: '/home/isak/.babel/pkgs/fowltek-0.9.3' [Path]