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Last active October 17, 2019 07:07
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-- tmp_fit_data table setup
drop sequence if exists tmp_fit_data_seq cascade;
create sequence tmp_fit_data_seq;
drop table if exists tmp_fit_data cascade;
create table tmp_fit_data(
id integer not null default nextval('tmp_fit_data_seq'),
username varchar(255) not null default 'me',
data_source varchar(1024) not null,
orig_data_source varchar(1024),
data_type varchar(255) not null,
value float,
json_value jsonb,
start_time timestamp with time zone not null,
end_time timestamp with time zone not null,
primary key(id)
alter sequence tmp_fit_data_seq owned by;
-- fit_user table setup
drop sequence if exists fit_user_seq cascade;
create sequence fit_user_seq;
drop table if exists fit_user cascade;
create table fit_user(
id integer not null default nextval('fit_user_seq'),
name varchar(255) unique not null,
primary key(id)
alter sequence fit_user_seq owned by;
-- fit_data_source table setup
drop sequence if exists fit_data_source_seq cascade;
create sequence fit_data_source_seq;
drop table if exists fit_data_source cascade;
create table fit_data_source(
id integer not null default nextval('fit_data_source_seq'),
name varchar(255) unique not null,
primary key(id)
alter sequence fit_data_source_seq owned by;
-- fit_data_type table setup
drop sequence if exists fit_data_type_seq cascade;
create sequence fit_data_type_seq;
drop table if exists fit_data_type cascade;
create table fit_data_type(
id integer not null default nextval('fit_data_type_seq'),
name varchar(255) unique not null,
primary key(id)
alter sequence fit_data_type_seq owned by;
-- fit_data table setup
drop sequence if exists fit_data_seq cascade;
create sequence fit_data_seq;
drop table if exists fit_data cascade;
create table fit_data(
id integer not null default nextval('fit_data_seq'),
user_id integer not null,
data_source_id integer not null,
orig_data_source_id integer,
data_type_id integer not null,
value float,
json_value jsonb,
start_time timestamp with time zone not null,
end_time timestamp with time zone not null,
primary key(id),
foreign key(user_id) references fit_user(id),
foreign key(data_source_id) references fit_data_source(id),
foreign key(orig_data_source_id) references fit_data_source(id),
foreign key(data_type_id) references fit_data_type(id)
alter sequence fit_data_seq owned by;
-- Sync fit_data table trigger setup
create or replace function sync_fit_data()
returns trigger as
insert into fit_user(name) values(new.username)
on conflict do nothing;
insert into fit_data_source(name) values(new.data_source)
on conflict do nothing;
insert into fit_data_source(name) values(new.orig_data_source)
on conflict do nothing;
insert into fit_data_type(name) values(new.data_type)
on conflict do nothing;
insert into fit_data(user_id, data_source_id, orig_data_source_id, data_type_id, value, json_value, start_time, end_time) values(
(select id from fit_user u where = new.username),
(select id from fit_data_source ds where = new.data_source),
(select id from fit_data_source ds where = new.orig_data_source),
(select id from fit_data_type dt where = new.data_type),
new.value, new.json_value, new.start_time, new.end_time
delete from tmp_fit_data where id =;
return new;
language 'plpgsql';
drop trigger if exists on_tmp_fit_data_insert on tmp_fit_data;
create trigger on_tmp_fit_data_insert
after insert on tmp_fit_data
for each row
execute procedure sync_fit_data();
-- vfit view definition
drop view if exists vfit;
create view vfit as
, as username
, as data_source
, as orig_data_source
, as data_type
, value
, json_value
, start_time
, end_time
from fit_data d
join fit_user u on d.user_id =
join fit_data_source ds on d.data_source_id =
left join fit_data_source ods on d.orig_data_source_id =
join fit_data_type dt on d.data_type_id =;
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