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KERNEL_HEAP:FFF93BB0 C0 D4 F2 FF+first_resource_limit DCD KResourceLimit_vtable; vtable
KERNEL_HEAP:FFF93BB0 01 00 00 00+ ; DATA XREF: .data:resource_limit_linko
KERNEL_HEAP:FFF93BB0 18 00 00 00+ ; KERNEL_HEAP:stru_FFF7BB40o
KERNEL_HEAP:FFF93BB0 00 00 00 04+ ; KERNEL_HEAP:resourcelimit_linked_list_firsto
KERNEL_HEAP:FFF93BB0 20 00 00 00+ DCD 1 ; refCount
KERNEL_HEAP:FFF93BB0 20 00 00 00+ DCD 0x18 ; max_thread_prio
KERNEL_HEAP:FFF93BB0 20 00 00 00+ DCD 0x4000000 ; max_commit
KERNEL_HEAP:FFF93BB0 08 00 00 00+ DCD 0x20 ; max_thread
KERNEL_HEAP:FFF93BB0 08 00 00 00+ DCD 0x20 ; max_event
KERNEL_HEAP:FFF93BB0 10 00 00 00+ DCD 0x20 ; max_mutex