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Nicole Borgaard Borgaard

  • General Assembly
  • San Francisco, CA
View GitHub Profile
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>jQuery Practice</title>
<div id="content">
<div class="entry">
<h1>You Won't Believe What Happens When You Click This Link</h1>
<a href="#">Click me!</a>
// 1: how could you rewrite the following to make it shorter?
if (foo) {
} else {
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am Borgaard on github.
* I am whygaard ( on keybase.
* I have a public key whose fingerprint is 1700 907E BF38 6DB1 330E 1040 EC0E 8912 E09F 6854
To claim this, I am signing this object:
Borgaard /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:27 — forked from zenorocha/
A template for Github READMEs (Markdown) + Sublime Snippet

Project Name

TODO: Write a project description


TODO: Describe the installation process


Borgaard /
Created December 31, 2015 08:12 — forked from staltz/
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
Borgaard / sochatty.html
Created January 3, 2016 05:57
All the chats
<div id="chat-window"></div>
<div id="chat-form">
<form id="formy">
<textarea name="chat-entry" id="chat-entry" cols="30" rows="2"></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="ChatzOr"></input>
.timeColor {
color: gray;
margin-right: 5px;
.userColor {
color: orange;
margin-right: 5px;
Borgaard / installbookmarklet.html
Last active January 14, 2016 05:14
dropbox alternative

Installing PostgreSQL

Go to the postgres documentation:
cd ~
open .bash_profile (if you're using zshell, use open .zshrc instead.)

Add this to the last line of your .bash_profile or .zshrc file:
export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/

rails new postgres_app --database=postgresql

Borgaard /
Created August 25, 2016 03:15
Hubot Instructions for JSD3

Unit Project #1: Slackbot


We've been using Slack to communicate with each other for the first couple weeks of the class. Now it is time to build our very own Slackbot to add a fun interactive component to the chat room. A Slackbot is an integration into slack that can either respond to specific phrases that are mentioned in Slack or they can post things from outside of slack into a channel or private conversation. There are now entire startups built on top of Slackbots. For example, people have built Slackbots that let you hail an Uber from them or schedule meetings with different members of your team (where it searches your Google Calendar). One of the most popular Slackbots lets people post random gifs based on phrases into a channel from Giphy.

For our first project, we are going to keep things simple. We will build a Slackbot on top of the popular Github bot called [Hubot](