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Brady Murphy Bradysm

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Bradysm / ColorManager.swift
Last active October 20, 2020 13:59
ColorManager struct to manage colors within your application
// ColorManager.swift created by Brady Murphy
import SwiftUI
struct ColorManager {
// create static variables for custom colors
static let spotifyGreen = Color("SpotifyGreen")
//... add the rest of your colors here
# convert all of the points to integers
points = [(int(p[0]), int(p[1]), int(p[2])) for p in pattern.findall(input_points)]
# use a heap of size k to complete the problem...
def find_all_numbers():
# create regex and then compile it into a regex object
regex = r'[+-]?\d+'
pattern = re.compile(regex)
# ask for an input from the user
input_str = input("Enter a string with numbers: ")
# find all numbers within the string using the regex
import XCTest
@testable import Mocking
class MockingTests: XCTestCase {
let username = "testusername"
/// mocked service for sending message
var mockedMessageService = MockedMessageService()
Service for mocking a message sending service
Conforms to MessageSendable protocol
struct MockedMessageService: MessageSendable {
Mocked version of send message
func sendMessage(username: String, message: String, completion: @escaping (Result<String, Error>) -> Void) {
Protocol used to define services that can send messages
protocol MessageSendable {
/// prototype of messaging function that must be defined within a module
/// that conforms to this protocol
func sendMessage(username: String, message: String, completion: @escaping (Result<String, Error>) -> Void);
final class ChatRoomViewModel: ObservableObject {
/// service used to send message to chat room
private let messagingService: MessageSendable
/// username of current user of application
private(set) var username: String
/// current message typed in view
struct WithDependencyInjection {
var module: Module
// inject the dependency through the initializer
// to explicitly show the dependency on Module
init(module: Module) {
self.module = module
struct WithoutDependencyInjection {
var module: Module
init() {
// creating the module ourselves in the init
// without stating the dependency on "Module"
self.module = Module()
struct WithDependencyInjection {
var module: Module
// inject the dependency through the initializer
// to explicitly show the dependency on Module
init(module: Module) {
self.module = module