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Brant /
Last active December 28, 2015 20:46
Install Python2.7 on Redhat/CentOS
# Install Python 2.7.8 alternatively
yum groupinstall "development tools" -y
yum install readline-devel openssl-devel gmp-devel ncurses-devel gdbm-devel zlib-devel expat-devel libGL-devel tk tix gcc-c++ libX11-devel glibc-devel bzip2 tar tcl-devel tk-devel pkgconfig tix-devel bzip2-devel sqlite-devel autoconf db4-devel libffi-devel valgrind-devel -y
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
tar xvfz Python-2.7.9.tgz
cd Python-2.7.9
Brant / gist:3c315504e1c98142f6a9
Created June 24, 2014 01:09
Forever, node.js, CentOS Service, Unprivileged User
# chkconfig: 2345 85 15
# description: Startup script for project.
# exit on first error
set -e
# user running this script
_user="$(id -u -n)"