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View BrunoCerberus's full-sized avatar

Bruno Lopes BrunoCerberus

View GitHub Profile
extension UIImageView {
/// Loads image from web asynchronosly and caches it, in case you have to load url
/// again, it will be loaded from cache if available
func load(url: URL, placeholder: UIImage?, cache: URLCache? = nil) {
let cache = cache ?? URLCache.shared
let request = URLRequest(url: url)
if let data = cache.cachedResponse(for: request)?.data, let image = UIImage(data: data) {
self.image = image
} else {
self.image = placeholder
struct SideBarStack<SidebarContent: View, Content: View>: View {
let sidebarContent: SidebarContent
let mainContent: Content
let sidebarWidth: CGFloat
@Binding var showSidebar: Bool
init(sidebarWidth: CGFloat, showSidebar: Binding<Bool>, @ViewBuilder sidebar: ()->SidebarContent, @ViewBuilder content: ()->Content) {
self.sidebarWidth = sidebarWidth
self._showSidebar = showSidebar