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Last active January 9, 2021 17:07
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"name": "dash-example-src.ipynb",
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"authorship_tag": "ABX9TyOMO/+1NsOStjfVLuIulkC6",
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"display_name": "Python 3"
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"<a href=\"\" target=\"_parent\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Open In Colab\"/></a>"
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"import pandas as pd\r\n",
"from statsmodels.tsa.statespace.sarimax import SARIMAX\r\n",
"from numpy import cbrt\r\n",
"from plotly import graph_objects as go\r\n",
"def get_covid_data():\r\n",
" \"\"\"\r\n",
" Download latest covid data.\r\n",
" \"\"\"\r\n",
" DATA_URL = ''\r\n",
" full_df = pd.read_csv(DATA_URL,\r\n",
" parse_dates=['Date'],\r\n",
" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\",\r\n",
" dtype={\"RegionName\": str,\r\n",
" \"RegionCode\": str,\r\n",
" \"CountryName\": str,\r\n",
" \"CountryCode\": str},\r\n",
" usecols = ['Date','CountryName','RegionName',\r\n",
" 'ConfirmedCases','ConfirmedDeaths','Jurisdiction'],\r\n",
" error_bad_lines=False)\r\n",
" full_df = full_df.set_index('Date', drop=True)\r\n",
" new_cols = {'ConfirmedCases':'Cumulative Cases','ConfirmedDeaths':'Cumulative Deaths'}\r\n",
" full_df = full_df.rename(columns = new_cols)\r\n",
" return full_df\r\n",
"def get_graph(df, state, country, stats):\r\n",
" \"\"\"\r\n",
" get_graph(df, state, country, stats)\r\n",
" ---\r\n",
" Helper function for graph_stat to create and return plotly figure of chosen statistics.\r\n",
" ---\r\n",
" \"\"\"\r\n",
" if state != 'None':\r\n",
" title = f'COVID-19 in {state}, {country}'\r\n",
" else:\r\n",
" title = f'COVID-19 in {country}'\r\n",
" \r\n",
" fig = go.Figure(layout_title_text = title)\r\n",
" for stat in stats:\r\n",
" fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df.index, y=df[stat], name=stat))\r\n",
" fig.update_layout(showlegend=True)\r\n",
" return fig\r\n",
"def graph_stat(full_df, country='United States',\r\n",
" state=None, stats=['Cumulative Cases']):\r\n",
" \"\"\"\r\n",
" graph_stat(full_df, country='United States',\r\n",
" state=None, stat='Cumulative Cases')\r\n",
" ---\r\n",
" Graphs chosen statistic(s)\r\n",
" full_df should be a Pandas DataFrame with a time series index. \r\n",
" Function subsets full_df in respect to state and/or country. \r\n",
" Uses a SARIMA model to graph up to date COVID cases or deaths.\r\n",
" Returns a plotly figure of deaths or cases\r\n",
" ---\r\n",
" \"\"\"\r\n",
" if not stats:\r\n",
" stats = ['Cumulative Cases']\r\n",
" if state in full_df['RegionName'].dropna().unique():\r\n",
" df = full_df[(full_df['Jurisdiction'] == 'STATE_TOTAL') \r\n",
" & (full_df['RegionName'] == state)][:-1]\r\n",
" else: \r\n",
" df = full_df[(full_df['Jurisdiction'] == 'NAT_TOTAL') \r\n",
" & (full_df['CountryName'] == country)][:-1]\r\n",
" df = df.interpolate(method='time', limit_direction='forward', \r\n",
" limit_area='inside', downcast='infer')\r\n",
" df['Daily Cases'] = df['Cumulative Cases'].diff()\r\n",
" df['Daily Deaths'] = df['Cumulative Deaths'].diff()\r\n",
" df = df[stats]\r\n",
" df = df.dropna()\r\n",
" \r\n",
" fig = get_graph(df, state, country, stats)\r\n",
" return fig"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
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