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Last active January 9, 2021 17:26
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"# pip install dash\r\n",
"import dash\r\n",
"import dash_core_components as dcc\r\n",
"import dash_html_components as html\r\n",
"from plotly import graph_objects as go\r\n",
"import pandas as pd\r\n",
"from src import *\r\n",
"# get data\r\n",
"full_df = get_covid_data()\r\n",
"unique_countries = sorted(full_df['CountryName'].unique())\r\n",
"# set initial app settings\r\n",
"external_stylesheets = ['']\r\n",
"app = dash.Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets=external_stylesheets)\r\n",
"server = app.server\r\n",
"# display layout and components\r\n",
"app.layout = html.Div([\r\n",
" html.H2('COVID-19 Cumulative Deaths or Positive Cases'),\r\n",
" html.H4('To Display'),\r\n",
" html.Div(id='stat-value'),\r\n",
" dcc.Checklist(\r\n",
" id='checklist-stat',\r\n",
" options=[{'label':i,'value':i} for i in \r\n",
" ['Cumulative Cases','Cumulative Deaths', 'Daily Cases', 'Daily Deaths']]\r\n",
" ),\r\n",
" html.H4('Country'),\r\n",
" html.Div(id='country-value'),\r\n",
" dcc.Dropdown(\r\n",
" id='dropdown-country',\r\n",
" options=[{'label': i, 'value': i} for i in unique_countries],\r\n",
" value='None'\r\n",
" ),\r\n",
" html.H4('State'),\r\n",
" html.Div(id='state-value'),\r\n",
" dcc.Dropdown(id = 'dropdown-state',\r\n",
" options = [{'label':'None', 'value':'None'}],\r\n",
" value = 'None'\r\n",
" ),\r\n",
" html.H4('Graph'),\r\n",
" html.Div(id='graph')\r\n",
"# set state options according to chosen country\r\n",
"@app.callback([dash.dependencies.Output('dropdown-state', 'options'),\r\n",
" dash.dependencies.Output('dropdown-state', 'value')],\r\n",
" [dash.dependencies.Input('dropdown-country', 'value')])\r\n",
"def add_states(country_value, df=full_df):\r\n",
" country_df = full_df.loc[full_df['CountryName'] == country_value]\r\n",
" state_df = country_df.loc[country_df['Jurisdiction'] \r\n",
" == 'STATE_TOTAL'].dropna()\r\n",
" global country\r\n",
" country = country_value\r\n",
" # If there is state information available for the country, update the\r\n",
" # state-dropdown options with those states and set the current value to None\r\n",
" # If not, remove the state options and set the value to None\r\n",
" if len(state_df) > 0:\r\n",
" return [{'label':'None','value':'None'}] + [{'label':i,'value':i} \\\r\n",
" for i in sorted(state_df['RegionName'].dropna().unique())], \r\n",
" 'None'\r\n",
" else:\r\n",
" return [{'label':'None', 'value':'None'}], 'None'\r\n",
"#create graph using user assigned values\r\n",
"@app.callback(dash.dependencies.Output('graph', 'children'),\r\n",
" [dash.dependencies.Input('dropdown-state','value'),\r\n",
" dash.dependencies.Input('dropdown-country','value'),\r\n",
" dash.dependencies.Input('checklist-stat','value')])\r\n",
"def display_value(state, country, stats, df=full_df):\r\n",
" if country != 'None':\r\n",
" return dcc.Graph(id='stat-graph',\r\n",
" figure = graph_stat(df, state=state,\r\n",
" country=country,\r\n",
" stats=stats))\r\n",
"if __name__ == '__main__':\r\n",
" app.run_server(debug=False)"
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