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Carmer / Names - Remember them
Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
Lighting Talk on Names
#Remember Names to be Remembered.
1. Why is this a relevant topic
* programmer social stereotypes / who wants to be a stereotype?
* antisocial
* introverted
* We are all - or soon will be - job hunting.
* People, in general, like to be remembered.
2. Excuses, Excuses.
* anecdote about forgetting name
merge conflicts from traffic spy:
seem to be caused because the same file with pushed with different or contradictory code. Sometimes the only difference is a space, or a commented out method
The project slowed a bit at the times we had these issues, but we would contact eachother, resolve the conflict then move on.
Carmer / RubyonRobots
Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
Ruby on Robots - Lighting Talk
###Quick overview of Ruby (45sec - 1 min)
* Nouns
* Verbs
* Adjectives
### Why a robot is a perfect anology/example for OOP (30-45 sec)
* robots - Physical computing - an approach to learning how humans communicate through computers that starts by considering how humans express themselves physically.
* we take the human body as a given, and attempt to design within the limits of its expression.
### Intro to some devices currently controllable with ruby(45 sec - 1 min)

Let us Rebase

This weekend, while you're doing your mini-projects we are going to get some practice with 2 things.

  • Hound - A tool that monitors your pull requests and will notify you of syntax and style errors within your code.
  • Rebaseing - a git tool that will allow you to clean up your commit messages.

What are we going to do?

First - Integrate Hound in your project.

Turing Tower Transfer Puzzle

      |             |              |             ==>                |              |           |
      _             |              |             ==>                |              |           _
     ___            |              |             ==>                |              |          ___
    _____           |              |             ==>                |              |         _____
   _______          |              |             ==>                |              |        _______
  _________         |              |             ==>                |              |       _________
 ___________ | | ==> | | ___________

Introduction to Sinatra

1. What is the purpose of the server file (routing)?

2. How do you pass variables into the views?

3. How can we interpolate ruby into a view (html)?

4. In what format does data come in from a view/form? What do we call it?

Peer Review

For the follow session please get with your partner and talk about how you styled your task manager app with bootstrap and any custom css you may have added.

Here are some things to help you get started thinking:

  • How did you link to bootstrap in your project?
  • What where some issues you came across setting up your project with bootstra?
  • What does the layout.erb file do?
  • What does the <%= yield %> within the layout.erb file do?

Database Normalization Put Simply

  • 1NF - First Normal Form:

    • To satisy 1NF - a table must have only atomic values. This means that no column, in any row, can have multiple values stored inside of it.
    • In the following example you will see a table with 2 phone number values in the same column of the same row. This is NOT A GOOD DESIGN and DOES NOT follow 1NF.
Last Name
Employee ID First Name

Rails MVC Structure

  • Explain what the router.rb file is for?
  • Describe what files or rails structures a request going through the application will traverse through.
  • What is the purpose of a model?
  • What is the main purpose of a controller?