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Feedback Sandwiches

  1. Positive! 🙂

  2. Constructive Feedback

  • I can tell that you're quick to pick up new things, but you sometimes leave me behind because I need a little more time to think about the problem that we're trying to solve. It would help me if you could explain your thinking and implementation frequently so that I can keep up and contribute.

  • I know you care a lot about this project, and sometimes when we get stuck on a feature for a while, I can see that you get really frustrated. Both of us care about submitting a high-quality project, but it would be more beneficial if we could take a break to cool off or try to destress in another way.

Mix Master Peer Review Session

This peer review session is aimed at practicing your ability to read code, communicate about your own and other peoples code, and give some practice in helping others troubleshoot their apps.

Things to cover:

  • First start with any issues or confusion the first partner may have had getting things to work. Try to troubleshoot things together if there is still a bug in your app. Here are some things you may want to consider:
    • The request response cycle
  • RSpec/testing

User model

  • Add password_digest to user model

rails g migration AddPasswordDigestTOUser rake db:migrate


#Simple Authentication with Bcrypt

This tutorial is for adding authentication to a vanilla Ruby on Rails app using Bcrypt and has_secure_password.

The steps below are based on Ryan Bates's approach from Railscast #250 Authentication from Scratch (revised).

You can see the final source code here: repo. I began with a stock rails app using rails new gif_vault


Carmer / git-workflow.markdown
Last active June 2, 2016 16:15 — forked from erinnachen/git-workflow.markdown
My Git Workflow

Project workflow:

  1. Load/Reload waffle.
  2. Choose a card from the backlog in waffle. If we're working separately, it's best to move that card that you've chosen into ready and perhaps assign it to yourself as well.
  3. git checkout master
  4. git pull origin master
  5. run your test suite
  6. Checkout a new branch and tag it with #issue_number
  7. Write the feature test associated with your waffle card.
  8. Run your test suite and make sure that there are no errors that blow up the stack (missing ends, forgetting capitalization, etc.)
  9. commit your feature test

Gif Generator:

  • Jen
  • Nick
  • Erin


  • Marcella - Knitting-Revelry
  • Robbie - Trails/hikes
  • Anna - Trails/hikes
  • Kerry - Refuge donations app

HTML CSS Partner Review

To get started, pair with your partner on any problems they may have encountered while trying to style task manager last night.

Help each other answer any questions you may have about CSS/HTML. MDN (mozilla developer network) is a great resource for anything web related if you need a reference for anything.

Please bring any question you may have to our HTML/CSS Review.

If you are having trouble getting started here are some things to think about:

ActiveRecord Obstacle Course

Getting Started

  • clone this
  • checkout the activerecord-obstacle-course
  • bundle

Now open the project. This is a Rails project, but you don't need to know rails to do these exercises. Navigate to the /spec directory. Within the /models directory you will see a file named activerecord_obstacle_course_spec.rb. Open it and read through the tests. If you want to know more about RSpec you can find it here. With RSpec, :let declares a variable but not until it is called in the code. The :let! declares the variable right there on that line of code.

Route Helper Practice

For the following routes, write out the route helper that will correspond with the verb path combination. For example:

get "/artists" => artists_path

post "/artists" => artists_path

Create route helpers for the following:

Migration with ActiveRecord and Rails

Basic CLI commands

1.) Create a new table

  • rails g migration CreateTask title:string description:text
class AddStartDateToTask < ActiveRecord::Migration