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Lio Wong CatherineWong

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CatherineWong /
Last active February 5, 2018 19:13
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  • Connect ports for Jupyter: ssh -L 8888:localhost:8888 ______
  • X11 Forwarding: ssh -Y ____

The CLEVR Artificial Language learning environment uses the following lexicon and template classes:

Primitives, Constants, and Artificial Lexicon

Constants These are the basic constants that we would consider replacing with a single artificial term.

  • { "gray", "red", "blue", "green", "brown", "purple", "cyan", "yellow"}
  • {"cube", "sphere", "cylinder"}
  • {"small", "large"}
  • {"rubber", "metal"}
  • {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} -> These are preserved in numerical form. They are not replaced with a term.

Primitives These are the basic functions that we would consider replacing with a single artificial term.

The CLEVR ICML dataset uses the following template classes:

Object localization

2_localization_train: Contains simple object localization questions with basic filter queries. Contains 7 templates.

  • (x1) Find the <Z> things. ObjectSet -> ObjectSet | Find the big things. Find the small things.
  • (x1)Find the <C> things. ObjectSet -> ObjectSet | Find the red things. Find the blue things.
  • (x1)Find the <M> things. ObjectSet -> ObjectSet | Find the rubber things.
  • (x1) Find the s. ObjectSet -> ObjectSet | Find the cubes.

Creating a new snapshot at the command line.

Create a resource group.

az vm group -n NAME -l LOCATION

Create a machine.

az vm create --size Standard_E64_v3 -n ec2_base_image_0 --location centralus --resource-group ec2_resource_group_0 --admin-username azureuser --image Canonical:UbuntuServer:16.04-LTS:latest --generate-ssh-keys

Set the ulimit for file reading.

ulimit -n 500000

TODO pipe yes and force script