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Angelos Chalaris Chalarangelo

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// An array of high scores. Notice that some
// of them don't have a name specified.
var highScores = [
{score: 237, name: "Jim"},
{score: 108, name: "Kit"},
{score: 91, name: "Rob"},
{score: 0},
{score: 0}
// An array of objects.
var myFriends = [
{ name: "John", surname: "Smith", age: 52},
{ name: "Sarah", surname: "Smith", age: 49},
{ name: "Michael", surname: "Jones", age: 46},
{ name: "Garry", surname: "Thomas", age: 48}
// A simple function to get just the name and
// surname in one string.
// Arrays of expenses.
var oldExpenses = [
{ company: "BigCompany Co.", value: 1200.10},
{ company: "Pineapple Inc.", value: 3107.02},
{ company: "Office Supplies Inc.", value: 266.97}
var newExpenses = [
{ company: "Office Supplies Inc.", value: 108.11},
{ company: "Megasoft Co.", value: 1208.99}
// An array of articles with their tags.
var articles = [
{title: "Introduction to Javascript Scope", tags: [ "Javascript", "Variables", "Scope"]},
{title: "Javascript Closures", tags: [ "Javascript", "Variables", "Closures"]},
{title: "A Guide to PWAs", tags: [ "Javascript", "PWA"]},
{title: "Javascript Functional Programming Examples", tags: [ "Javascript", "Functional", "Function"]},
{title: "Why Javascript Closures are Important", tags: [ "Javascript", "Variables", "Closures"]},
// A function that reduces the above array to an
from selenium import webdriver
# The URL we want to browse to
url = ""
# Using Selenium's webdriver to open the page
driver = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path=r'geckodriver.exe')
import time
from selenium import webdriver
url = ""
driver = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path=r'geckodriver.exe')
# Scroll page and wait 5 seconds
import time
from selenium import webdriver
url = ""
driver = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path=r'geckodriver.exe')
import requests
import time
from selenium import webdriver
from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO
url = ""
driver = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path=r'geckodriver.exe')
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
<header className="sticky">
<label htmlFor="drawer-checkbox" className="button drawer-toggle hidden-desktop"></label>
<span href="#" className="logo">Autumn Blog</span>
// Best practice dictates specifying constants
// for the different types of actions in an application
export const SEARCH_POST = 'SEARCH_POST';
// This is an action creator
export const searchPost = (query) => {
// The returned object is an action
return {
// 'type' is a required field for an action,
// specifying the type of action being performed