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new Snc\RedisBundle\SncRedisBundle(),
type: predis
alias: victoire
dsn: redis://localhost
public function create(MonObjet $object)
$hash = "reference:" . $object->getId();
throw new \Exception('An redis hash "' . $hash . ' already exist');
$values = $this->transformObjectToArray($object);
$valuesReadyToRedis = $this->redislizeArray($array);
public function redislize($data)
// Only serialize if it's not a string or a integer
if(!is_string($data) && !is_integer($data))
return urlencode(serialize($data));
// Encode string to escape wrong saves
return urlencode($data);
public function unredislize($data)
$data = urldecode($data);
// unserialize data if we can
$unserializedData = @unserialize($data);
if($unserializedData !== false)
return $unserializedData;
public function getById($id)
$hash = "reference:" . $id;
return $this->unredislizeArray($this->redis->hgetall($hash));
Charlie-Lucas / my.cnf
Created November 8, 2016 09:15
Charlie-Lucas / WidgetSliderNavContentResolve1r.php
Last active March 16, 2017 10:19
First one is an exemple to default find record method, seccond is an exemple for custom find record
public function getWidgetBusinessEntityContent(Widget $widget)
$parameters = parent::getWidgetBusinessEntityContent($widget);
/** @var WidgetSliderNav $widget */
//get previous and next record if entity is set
if ($entity = $widget->getEntity()) {