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#include <stdio>
int main()
for(int y = 1; y <= 50; y++){
for(int x = 1; x <= 3; x++){
std::cout << y*x << ","
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
// Lab 2
// Jeff Heesch
// 10/5/11
// Purpose: To perform mathematical operations on two numbers
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main()
ChrisLundquist / magicka.lua
Created January 29, 2011 04:32
Magicka G15 script / macro
-- To use this script
-- 1) copy and paste this body into the script editor window and save it.
-- 2) Set each G Key in each M mode (that you want to use) to "script"
-- NOTE: Only G1 - G6 are configured since I am using the orange G15,
-- Extending this to 18 is just copy and paste.
-- If you are trying to record macros and they are not working, make sure you have
-- the record delay checkbox checked, however I find this script works better and
-- is more flexible than recording each macro by hand and adjusting the delay.
ChrisLundquist / gist:752273
Created December 22, 2010 23:17
inheritance test
#include <iostream>
class Physics
void Update() { std::cout << "Physics!"; }
class Graphics