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<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id='div1'>
<input id='uLetters' type='checkbox' checked>Uppercase Letters</input><br>
<input id='lLetters' type='checkbox' checked>Lowercase Letters</input><br>
<input id='numbers' type='checkbox' checked>Numbers</input><br>
<input id='symbols' type='checkbox' checked>Symbols</input><br>
<input id='length' type='text' placeholder='Length'></input>
<button onclick='main(document.getElementById("length").value)'>Generate</button>
<button onclick='superMain(document.getElementById("length").value)'>SuperPrint</button>
<body style="background-color:black">
<font id='font' color='limegreen' face='Courier' size='7'>
<div id='title'>HACKING IN PROGRESS...</div>
<div id='user'></div>
<div id='pass'></div>
<div id='time'></div>
<title> DVD Screensaver </title>
<style id='else'>
UWU Counter
<style id='uStyle'>
import tweepy
# Instructions:
# 1. Log in to your bot's Twitter account.
# 2. Fill in the lines below for the consumer key and secret.
# 3. Run this script.
# 4. Click on the link that the script produces, then click "Authorize App" (Make sure you are logged in to your bot's Twitter account!).
# 5. Copy the code shown on the web browser and paste it into the console running this script and press enter.
# 6. The auth key and secret for your bot's account should be shown. Use them in your other Tweepy script!