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Updating DT_DOTAPlayer of class CDOTAPlayer. 443 fields
Updating Prop DT_DOTACommentatorTable.m_vecOrigin of type SP_VectorXY to value 120 120. Bits left 6270
Updating Prop DT_LocalPlayerExclusive.m_nTickBase of type SP_Int to value 0. Bits left 6238
Updating Prop DT_DOTAPlayer.m_nTickBase of type SP_Int to value 0. Bits left 6206
Updating Prop DT_LocalPlayerExclusive.m_vecVelocity[0] of type SP_Float to value 0. Bits left 6174
Updating Prop DT_LocalPlayerExclusive.m_vecVelocity[1] of type SP_Float to value 0. Bits left 6142
Updating Prop DT_DOTACommentatorTable.m_vecOrigin[2] of type SP_Float to value 95. Bits left 6135
Updating Prop DT_LocalPlayerExclusive.m_vecVelocity[2] of type SP_Float to value 0. Bits left 6103
Updating Prop DT_DOTACommentatorTable.m_cellbits of type SP_Int to value 3. Bits left 6098
Updating Prop DT_DOTACommentatorTable.m_cellX of type SP_Int to value 0. Bits left 6090
55 fields in table prop list
m_flSimulationTime SP_Int
m_cellbits SP_Int
m_cellX SP_Int
m_cellY SP_Int
m_cellZ SP_Int
m_flAnimTime SP_Int
m_vecOrigin SP_Vector
m_angRotation SP_Vector
m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs SP_Vector
Updating Prop DT_BaseEntity.m_flSimulationTime of type SP_Int to value 0. Bits left 1273
Updating Prop DT_BaseEntity.m_cellbits of type SP_Int to value 7. Bits left 1268
Updating Prop DT_BaseEntity.m_cellX of type SP_Int to value 128. Bits left 1260
Updating Prop DT_BaseEntity.m_cellY of type SP_Int to value 128. Bits left 1252
Updating Prop DT_BaseEntity.m_cellZ of type SP_Int to value 128. Bits left 1244
Updating Prop DT_BaseEntity.m_vecOrigin of type SP_Vector to value 0 0 0. Bits left 1208
Updating Prop DT_BaseEntity.m_angRotation of type SP_Vector to value 0 0 0. Bits left 1169
Updating Prop DT_CollisionProperty.m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs of type SP_Vector to value 0 0 0. Bits left 1073
Updating Prop DT_CollisionProperty.m_nSurroundType of type SP_Int to value 0. Bits left 1070
Updating Prop DT_BaseEntity.m_flCreateTime of type SP_Float to value 0. Bits left 1038
457 fields in table prop list
m_vecOrigin SP_VectorXY
m_nTickBase SP_Int
m_nTickBase SP_Int
m_vecVelocity[0] SP_Float
m_vecVelocity[1] SP_Float
m_vecOrigin[2] SP_Float
m_vecVelocity[2] SP_Float
m_cellbits SP_Int
m_cellX SP_Int
_LPT_m_vecClientQuickBuyState_16.lengthprop16 SP_Int
DT_ClientQuickBuyItemState.nItemType SP_Int
DT_ClientQuickBuyItemState.bPurchasable SP_Int
DT_ClientQuickBuyItemState.nItemType SP_Int
DT_ClientQuickBuyItemState.bPurchasable SP_Int
DT_ClientQuickBuyItemState.nItemType SP_Int
DT_ClientQuickBuyItemState.bPurchasable SP_Int
DT_ClientQuickBuyItemState.nItemType SP_Int
DT_ClientQuickBuyItemState.bPurchasable SP_Int
DT_ClientQuickBuyItemState.nItemType SP_Int
delta entity: 0
+ DT_WORLD m_flSimulationTime, DPT_Int, index 0, bits 8, value 0
+ DT_WORLD m_cellbits, DPT_Int, index 1, bits 5, value 7
+ DT_WORLD m_cellX, DPT_Int, index 2, bits 8, value 128
+ DT_WORLD m_cellY, DPT_Int, index 3, bits 8, value 128
+ DT_WORLD m_cellZ, DPT_Int, index 4, bits 8, value 128
+ DT_WORLD m_vecOrigin, DPT_Vector, index 6, bits 36, value (0.000,0.000,0.000)
+ DT_WORLD m_angRotation, DPT_Vector, index 7, bits 39, value (0.000,0.000,0.000)
+ DT_WORLD m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs, DPT_Vector, index 8, bits 96, value (0.000,0.000,0.000)
+ DT_WORLD m_nSurroundType, DPT_Int, index 9, bits 3, value 0
baseline: 0, delta_from: 0, is_delta: False, max_entries: 1628, update_baseline: True, updated_entries: 909
baseline: 1, delta_from: 36367, is_delta: True, max_entries: 1628, update_baseline: True, updated_entries: 151
baseline: 1, delta_from: 36367, is_delta: True, max_entries: 1628, update_baseline: False, updated_entries: 152
baseline: 1, delta_from: 36367, is_delta: True, max_entries: 1628, update_baseline: False, updated_entries: 152
baseline: 1, delta_from: 36625, is_delta: True, max_entries: 1628, update_baseline: False, updated_entries: 82
baseline: 1, delta_from: 36625, is_delta: True, max_entries: 1628, update_baseline: False, updated_entries: 82
baseline: 1, delta_from: 36631, is_delta: True, max_entries: 1628, update_baseline: False, updated_entries: 83
baseline: 1, delta_from: 36633, is_delta: True, max_entries: 1628, update_baseline: False, updated_entries: 81
baseline: 1, delta_from: 36633, is_delta: True, max_entries: 1628, update_baseline: False, updated_entries: 79
baseline: 1, delta_from: 3
DT_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Puck m_iHealth: 553
DT_DOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Neutral m_iHealth: 108
DT_DOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Neutral m_iHealth: 912
DT_DOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Neutral m_iHealth: 465
DT_DOTA_Unit_Hero_DoomBringer m_iHealth: 1098
DT_DOTA_Unit_Hero_BountyHunter m_iHealth: 725
DT_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Gyrocopter m_iHealth: 745
DT_DOTA_Unit_Hero_NightStalker m_iHealth: 1306
DT_DOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Neutral m_iHealth: 465
DT_DOTA_Unit_Hero_DoomBringer m_iHealth: 1103
m_iTotalEarnedGold.0001: 3978
m_iTotalEarnedGold.0002: 8883
m_iTotalEarnedGold.0003: 6110
m_iTotalEarnedGold.0004: 7571
m_iTotalEarnedGold.0005: 5177
m_iTotalEarnedGold.0006: 3837
m_iTotalEarnedGold.0007: 2528
m_iTotalEarnedGold.0008: 3968
m_iTotalEarnedGold.0009: 5614
m_iTotalEarnedGold.0003: 6110
[Program started at 12/2/2013 8:33 AM]
World Created: SourceTV
m_iLastHitCount.0009: 1
m_iLastHitCount.0009: 1