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Important: Instruction is valid only during restart. Please use your common service file if network already started.
Testnet 1.8.11 Restart
(If you are running Solana v1.8.10 or earlier, please upgrade to v1.8.11 or keep 1.9.2)
The restart will start from the highest finalized slot.
$ solana slot -ul --commitment finalized
Important: Instruction is valid only during restart. Please use your common service file if network already started.
Testnet 1.8.11 Restart
(If you are running Solana v1.8.10 or earlier, please upgrade to v1.8.11 or keep 1.9.1)
The restart will start from the highest finalized slot.
$ solana slot -ul --commitment finalized
Testnet 1.8.5 Restart
(If you are running Solana v1.8.*, please upgrade to v1.8.5)
The restart will start from the highest finalized slot.
$ solana slot -ul --commitment finalized
Highest optimistically confirmed slot should contain: 103858865

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am crazysergo on github.
  • I am crazysergo ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is D026 E895 EBB6 E210 4B0B A65E B3B6 2EB8 C847 38B9

To claim this, I am signing this object: