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Paulius Imbrasas CremboC

  • Permutive
  • United Kingdom
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CremboC /
Created April 16, 2015 11:03
StaleObjectException :D
final Collection<Sample> allByBarcode = sampleService.byBarcode(groupRequest.getSamples(), currentUser);
if (!allByBarcode.isEmpty()) {
Group group = new Group();
$start = microtime(true);
/* The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
contributed by Peter Baltruschat
modified by Levi Cameron
modified by Craig Russell
require 'fileutils'
if ARGV[0].nil? || ARGV[1].nil?
puts 'Must define where to and from to copy',
'Usage: movejars <from> <to>',
'May use . to say "current folder"'
exit 0
$from = ARGV[0].dup
package eu.crembo;
* Bounded buffer problem.
* <p/>
* 2 Consumers and 2 Producers.
* Producers puts items into buffer - make sure it doesn't put into full buffer.
* Consumer uses items from buffer - make sure it doesn't take from empty buffer.
public class Task2 {
package eu.crembo;
* Created by Crembo on 2014-05-13.
public class Task3 {
public static final int LIMIT = 100;
public static final int NUM = 3;
public static BoundedBuffer b;
* Put an item into the bounded buffer
* @param itm
* @throws InterruptedException
public void put(int itm) throws InterruptedException {
boolean acquired = false;
package eu.crembo;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Bounded buffer problem.
* <p/>
* 2 Consumers and 2 Producers.
* Producers puts items into buffer - make sure it doesn't put into full buffer.
* Consumer uses items from buffer - make sure it doesn't take from empty buffer.
package eu.crembo;
* Created by Crembo on 2014-05-13.
public class Task3 {
public static final int LIMIT = 50000;
public static final int CONSUMER_NUM = 2;
public static final int PRODUCER_NUM = 2;
package eu.crembo;
* Bounded buffer problem.
* <p/>
* 2 Consumers and 2 Producers.
* Producers puts items into buffer - make sure it doesn't put into full buffer.
* Consumer uses items from buffer - make sure it doesn't take from empty buffer.
public class Main {
server {
listen 80;
root /opt/nginx/html/_framework;
index index.php index.html index.htm;
location ~ .php$ {
fastcgi_index _framework/index.php;