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Roberto Rodriguez Cyb3rWard0g

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Free Telemetry Report

Step Procedure Criteria Technique Detections
{% for s in renderyaml %} {{s['step']}} {{s['procedure']}} {{s['criteria']}} {{s['technique']['name']}}
{% endfor %}
from jinja2 import Template
import copy
import yaml
import glob
from os import path
print("[+] Processing files inside {} directory".format('../docs/evals/apt29/steps'))
# ******** Open every forge yaml file available ****************
print("[+] Opening report yaml files..")
yaml_files = sorted(glob.glob(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), '../docs/evals/apt29/steps', "*.yaml")), key=lambda x: (int(path.basename(x).split(".")[0]), str(path.basename(x).split(".")[1]), int(path.basename(x).split(".")[2].split("_")[0])))
vendor: OTR Community
step: 3.B.2
procedure: Executed elevated PowerShell payload
criteria: High integrity powershell.exe spawning from control.exe​​ (spawned from sdclt.exe)
name: Bypass User Account Control
id: T1088
- main_type: Telemetry

Clone Set-Audit Rule Project

git clone
cd Set-AuditRule

Create Rule

title: Processes Accessing the microphone and webcam
id: 29976992-e6d6-4fce-8f9d-e7b9be4efbb6
status: experimental
description: Potential adversaries accessing the microphone and webcam in an endpoint.
author: Roberto Rodriguez (Cyb3rWard0g), OTR (Open Threat Research)
date: 2020/06/07

Initial Notes:

  • The .NET Runtime Event Provider requires setting COMPLUS_ETWEnabled=1 in your process' environment.
  • CLRConfig will look for configurations in the following places in the following order:
    • Look at environment variables (prepending COMPlus_ to the name)
    • Look at the framework registry keys (HKCU\Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework
    • Look at the framework registry keys HKLM\Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework)
  • These can be set in the following ways:
    • Setting the environment variable COMPlus_:
  • Windows
SELECT System.ItemPathDisplay,System.FileOwner,System.Size,System.DateCreated,System.DateAccessed,System.Search.Autosummary FROM SystemIndex WHERE Contains(*, '""*{0}*""') AND SCOPE = '{1}' AND (System.FileExtension = '.txt' OR System.FileExtension = '.doc' OR System.FileExtension = '.docx' OR System.FileExtension = '.ppt' OR System.FileExtension = '.pptx' OR System.FileExtension = '.xls' OR System.FileExtension = '.xlsx' OR System.FileExtension = '.ps1' OR System.FileExtension = '.vbs' OR System.FileExtension = '.config' OR System.FileExtension = '.ini')"
SELECT * FROM win32_networkconnection"
Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem"
SELECT * FROM Win32_DeviceGuard"
SELECT * FROM win32_service"
SELECT * FROM AntiVirusProduct"
SELECT ProcessId, ExecutablePath, CommandLine FROM Win32_Process"
SELECT * FROM Win32_Process"
SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE SessionID != 0"
\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\Bookmarks"
\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\"
\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\History"
\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\Cookies"
\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\Login Data"
\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\"
\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\History"
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\chrome.exe", ""
SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\TypedURLs"
SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\TypedURLsTime"
Software\\Policies\\Microsoft Services\\AdmPwd", "AdmPwdEnabled"
Software\\Policies\\Microsoft Services\\AdmPwd", "AdminAccountName"
Software\\Policies\\Microsoft Services\\AdmPwd", "PasswordComplexity"
Software\\Policies\\Microsoft Services\\AdmPwd", "PasswordLength"
Software\\Policies\\Microsoft Services\\AdmPwd", "PwdExpirationProtectionEnabled"
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU", "UseWUServer"
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate", "WUServer"