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gitcheckout: {
master: {
options: {
branch: "master"
gitadd: {
master: {
options: {
all: true,
cwd: "C:\\Users\\uname\\Documents\\Projects\\MyCoolProject"
gitcommit: {
master: {
options: {
cwd: "C:\\Users\\uname\\Documents\\Projects\\MyCoolProject",
message: commitMsg,
allowEmpty: true
gitpush: {
originmaster: {
options: {
remote: 'origin',
branch: 'master'
upstreammaster: {
options: {
remote: 'upstream',
gitpull: {
upstreammaster: {
options: {
remote: 'upstream',
branch: 'master',
noCommit: true,
antdeploy: {
options: {
root: 'deploy/', //Temporary deploy staging area
dev1: {
options: { //SF credentials need to be set as Environment Variables
user: process.env.DEVNAME,
pass: process.env.DEVPASS,
token: process.env.DEVTOKEN,
serverurl: ''
grunt gitupdate --gitmsg="I just automated my git process!"
grunt.registerTask('gitupdate', ['gitcheckout:master', 'gitpull:upstreammaster', 'gitadd:master', 'gitcommit:master', 'gitpush:originmaster', 'gitpush:upstreammaster']);
var commitMsg = grunt.option('gitmsg') || ('Automated Commit ' + new Date().toJSON().slice(0,10));