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DUOLabs333 /
Last active June 1, 2021 20:22
Boot up Fuchsia VM without having to compile anything
  1. Download the latest version of the Fuchsia IDK (it doesn't matter whether you choose Linux or MacOS).
  2. Unzip it, and go to device and choose either qemu-x64.json or qemu-arm64.json, depending on which platform you'll like to emulate.
  3. Open up your chosen .json file and copy everything after gs:// under "images_url". Then, paste into your browser, + whatever came after it.
  4. Wait for the download to finish, then unzip it into a directory
  5. Create a tap interface and either bridge your ethernet or Wifi to it (for Windows, I've had success with OpenVPN and sharing my Wifi with my TAP interface in the Control Panel; for MacOS, you can use tuntaposx; for Linux, you can find instructions online).
  6. Convert the storage-full.blk to a qcow2 file with `qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 storage-full.blk storage-full.
DUOLabs333 /
Last active July 14, 2023 09:53
Building `filestash` for ARM64

Building libresize and libtranscode: This must be done on a Debian stretch system or chroot. First, clone cd filestash/server/plugin/plg_image_light/deps/ Copy ./ from this gist over and run it Copy ./ from this gist over and run it cd back into the root of filestash and run

mkdir -p ./dist/data/state/config
cp config/config.json ./dist/data/state/config/