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hurjas / timestamp.js
Created May 11, 2012 15:35 — forked from jonkemp/timestamp.js
Print out a nicely formatted timestamp in JavaScript.
* Return a timestamp with the format "m/d/yy h:MM:ss TT"
* @type {Date}
function timeStamp() {
// Create a date object with the current time
var now = new Date();
// Create an array with the current month, day and time
jmather / AcceptHeaderKernelListener.php
Created September 29, 2012 22:48
RESTful Versioned API with Silex using Accept header
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\FilterControllerEvent;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernelInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\GetResponseEvent;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\KernelEvents;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
class AcceptHeaderKernelListener implements EventSubscriberInterface
cecilemuller / get_combinations.php
Created February 1, 2013 03:13
PHP: Get all combinations of multiple arrays (preserves keys)
function get_combinations($arrays) {
$result = array(array());
foreach ($arrays as $property => $property_values) {
$tmp = array();
foreach ($result as $result_item) {
foreach ($property_values as $property_value) {
$tmp[] = array_merge($result_item, array($property => $property_value));
77web / 1_security.yml
Created February 25, 2013 07:23
How to switch user accounts between two(or more) different firewalls when using Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle
//you may have some more configs here...
entity: { class: MyAppBundle:User, property: loginEmail }
entity: { class: MyAppBundle:Admin, property: username }
pattern: ^/(_(profiler|wdt)|css|images|js)/
security: false
HoundstoothSTL / anchor-scroll-with-offset.js
Created May 3, 2013 15:43
Anchor scroll with fixed header offset
(function($) {
if (location.pathname.replace(/^\//,'') == this.pathname.replace(/^\//,'')
|| location.hostname == this.hostname)
var target = $(this.hash),
headerHeight = $(".primary-header").height() + 5; // Get fixed header height
colaru /
Created July 2, 2013 14:14
Integration test for Vert.x WebSocket server that insteed of responding to a request, register a Event Bus handler that send back to client all events on Event Bus for a given topic.
public void testWebSocketServer() {
long startTime;
long endTime;
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
container.logger().info("Starting web socket test");
HttpClient client = vertx.createHttpClient().setPort(8081).setHost("localhost").setMaxPoolSize(CONNS);
for (int i = 0; i < CONNS; i++) {
jeffturcotte / Template.html
Last active December 27, 2016 12:03
RequireJS per page module
<!doctype html>
<title>{{ title|title }}</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/styles/common.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/styles/layout.css" />
{{ include('header.html') }}
prologic / swarm-create
Created December 23, 2015 06:16 — forked from jorelcb/swarm-create
bash script to create docker swarm cluster with docker machine and virtualbox
# Script para generar entorno simulado de cluster Swarm con 3 nodos
# Creación de maquina default (se utilizara como cliente )
# docker-machine create -d virtualbox default
# eval $(docker-machine env default)
# Lanzamos swarm desde maquina default
SWARM_TOKEN=$(docker run swarm create)
rrafal / sqlx_json.go
Created March 31, 2016 00:02
Use JSON field with golang sqlx driver
package main
import (
_ ""

Redux WebSocket Middleware: Example

This Gist provides some code examples of how to implement WebSocket stream handling using a Redux middleware. Please be aware that this is only provided as an example and that critical things like exception handling have not been implemented.

A more complete version has been packaged, tested, and is available on GitHub as redux-websocket. This library has also been published to npm at @giantmachines/redux-websocket.


This module represents the foundation of the middleware and implements the ideas presented above. The exported function is used during the creation of the Redux store (see the following snippet).