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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am dalamar42 on github.
  • I am thomasmaroulis ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is C090 20D5 6E2B 9D36 ED00 54F7 4675 19FE DF0B CA18

To claim this, I am signing this object:

Integer priority = 0;
def sortValue = null;
for (content in _source.content) {
// Get the priority of the source. Higher is better
Integer thisPriority = priorities.get(content.source);
// Get the value of the field we want to sort on
def thisValue = content[sortField];
"sort" : {
"_script": {
"type": "string",
"script": "es_sort_by_script",
"params": {
"sortField": "data",
"priorities": {
"someSource": "1",
"someOtherSource": "2"
"content": [
"source": "someSource",
"data": "foo"
"source": "someOtherSource",
"data": "baz"
// Credit:
package com.metabroadcast.<some_package>;
import com.metabroadcast.common.annotation.NonNullByDefault;
MATCH (n:Label{ id:1} )
WITH n AS entry_node, collect(n) AS nodes_found_blue, collect(n) AS nodes_to_visit
UNWIND nodes_to_visit AS n
MATCH (n)-[:REL]-(target_node)
WHERE target_node = entry_node OR NOT target_node IN nodes_found_blue
WITH entry_node, nodes_found_blue + collect(DISTINCT target_node) AS nodes_found_green,
collect(DISTINCT target_node) AS nodes_to_visit
public class ThingTester {
private ThingDoer doer = new ThingDoer();
public void testAllTheThings() {
assertThat(doer.doTheThing(), is("theThing"));
assertThat(doer.doTheOtherThing(), is("theOtherThing"));
assertThat(doer.doTheThirdThing(), is(false));
// Repeat for 39 more assertions...
public class Component {
private final Delegate delegate;
public Component() {
this.delegate = new Delegate();
public void doTheThing() {
public class Component {
private final Delegate delegate;
public Component(Delegate delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
public void doTheThing() {