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Created September 20, 2023 13:03
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const { equal } = require('assert')
const { expect } = require('chai')
const toWei = (num) => ethers.utils.parseEther(num.toString())
describe('Contracts', () => {
let contract, result
let id = 1
let jobTitle = 'Content creator',
description = 'I need someone with a good professional writing skill, who understands writing dynamics',
tags = 'Professional, writer, Time management, Dynamics',
price = 0.3
let Newtags = "Professional, writer, Time management, Resilience"
beforeEach(async () => {
const Contract = await ethers.getContractFactory('DappWorks')
;[deployer, client1, client2, freelancer1, freelancer2] = await ethers.getSigners()
contract = await Contract.deploy();
await contract.deployed()
beforeEach(async ()=> {
await contract.connect(client1).addJobListing(jobTitle, description, tags, {
value: toWei(price),
describe('Job Creation', ()=> {
it('should confirm fetching job listings', async ()=> {
result = await contract.getJobs()
it('should confirm fetching a single job listing', async ()=> {
result = await contract.getJob(id);
it('should confirm updating of job', async ()=> {
result = await contract.getJob(1)
await contract.updateJob(id, jobTitle, description, Newtags)
result = await contract.getJob(1);
it('should confirm job deletion', async ()=> {
result = await contract.getJobs();
await contract.deleteJob(id)
result = await contract.getJobs();
it('should confirm bidding for job', async ()=> {
await contract.connect(freelancer1).bidForJob(id);
result = await contract.getBidders(id)
it('should confirm accepting job bid', async ()=> {
await contract.connect(freelancer1).bidForJob(id);
result = await contract.connect(freelancer1).getAssignedJobs()
await contract.connect(client1).acceptBid(0, id, freelancer1.address)
result = await contract.connect(freelancer1).getAssignedJobs()
result = await contract.connect(client1).getFreelancers(id);
it("should confirm disputing a job", async () => {
await contract.connect(client1).dispute(id);
result = await contract.getJob(id);
it("should confirm revoking a disputed job", async () => {
// Place a bid by a freelancer
await contract.connect(freelancer1).bidForJob(id);
// Accept the bid by the client
await contract.connect(client1).acceptBid(0, id, freelancer1.address);
// Dispute the job
await contract.connect(client1).dispute(id);
// Revoke the job after it's been disputed
await contract.connect(deployer).revoke(id, 0); // Index starts from 0
result = await contract.getJob(id);
// Ensure that the assigned freelancer's isAssigned is set to false
const freelancers = await contract.getFreelancers(id);
for (let i = 0; i < freelancers.length; i++) {
if (result[i].id == 0) {
it("should confirm resolving a disputed job", async () => {
await contract.connect(client1).dispute(id); // Dispute the job first
await contract.connect(deployer).resolved(id);
result = await contract.getJob(id);
it("should confirm payout of a job", async () => {
await contract.connect(freelancer1).bidForJob(id);
await contract.connect(client1).acceptBid(0, id, freelancer1.address);
await contract.connect(client1).payout(id);
result = await contract.getJob(id);
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